2019 Jonathan Lee 2019 Gabe Cashman 2019 Gabe Cashman 2019 Gabe Cashman 2004 Dean Wm. Taylor 2009 Jennifer Wheeler, BLM Arcata Field Office 2008 Sierra Pacific Industries 2014 Sierra Pacific Industries
Montia howellii is an annual herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.California Rare Plant Rank: 2B.2 (rare, threatened, or endangered in CA; common elsewhere).
Wetlands: Arid West: Occurs usually in wetlands, occasionally in non wetlands Mountains, Valleys and Coast: Equally likely to occur in wetlands and non wetlands
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2019 Jonathan Lee:!2019 Gabe Cashman:!2019 Gabe Cashman:!2019 Gabe Cashman:!2004 Dean Wm. Taylor:!2009 Jennifer Wheeler, BLM Arcata Field Office:!2008 Sierra Pacific Industries:!2014 Sierra Pacific Industries:!
Suggested Citation
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 09/13/2024).