2018 Gary McDonald 2019 Gary McDonald 2017 Gary McDonald 2015 jamie smith 2018 Kristen Jones null 2020 Dean Taylor 2023 Fidel Garcia Cova 2022 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 David popp 2023 Samantha Olguin 2021 Ron Vanderhoff 2021 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 Diana Wahl 2007 Luigi Rignanese
Hordeum murinum is an annual grasslike herb that is not native to California.
Wetlands: Arid West: Occurs usually in non wetlands, occasionally in wetlands Mountains, Valleys and Coast: Equally likely to occur in wetlands and non wetlands
[Cal-IPC] Invasive: Hordeum murinum (hare barley or foxtail) is an annual grass with long awns (family Poaceae). Hare barley may have arrived in California with Spanish settlers and is more common than Mediterranean barley in disturbed, dry upland areas.
Cal-IPC Rating: Moderate (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
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2018 Gary McDonald:!2019 Gary McDonald:!2017 Gary McDonald:!2015 jamie smith:!2018 Kristen Jones:!null:!2020 Dean Taylor:!2023 Fidel Garcia Cova:!2022 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 David popp:!2023 Samantha Olguin:!2021 Ron Vanderhoff:!2021 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Diana Wahl:!2007 Luigi Rignanese:!
Suggested Citation
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2025. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 02/09/2025).