[nathistoc.bio.uci.edu] Range, Habitat, Description: A small perennial shrub that can be locally common on shaded slopes in chaparral or oak woodland of southern foothills and the Santa Ana Mountains (Roberts).The flowers occur in clusters; the corolla is funnel-shaped with white tube and
petals. The stamens are yellow and may or may not be exserted. This plant is generally self-pollinated. 5 to 9 mm. floral tube, 5 to 9 mm. white lobes, yellow throat and stamens. Differentiated from other subspecies by hairy stems, leaves and calyx. Three lobed linear leaves.Generally upright with branches from the base. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
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2021 Emily Sluiman:!2019 Ron Vanderhoff:!2021 Emily Sluiman:!2021 Emily Sluiman:!2019 Ron Vanderhoff:!2019 Ron Vanderhoff:!2019 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2014 Ron Vanderhoff:!2013 Keir Morse:!2013 Keir Morse:!2022 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Matt Berger:!2020 Matt Berger:!2019 Ron Vanderhoff:!2021 Arlee Montalvo:!2021 Arlee Montalvo:!2021 Arlee Montalvo:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2013 Keir Morse:!
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Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 09/12/2024).