2022 Steve Matson 2016 Julie Kierstead Nelson 2013 Steve Matson 2019 Richard Spjut 2008 Steve Matson 2013 Steve Matson 2022 Steve Matson 2008 Steve Matson 2022 Steve Matson 2022 Steve Matson 2019 Julie Kierstead Nelson
Betula occidentalis is a tree or shrub that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.
[Wikipedia] Range, Elevation, Animal Food Source, Native American Use,: Betula occidentalis, the water birch or red birch, is a species of birch native to western North America, in Canada from Yukon east to Northwestern Ontario and southwards, and in the United States from eastern Washington east to western North Dakota,[citation needed] and south to eastern California, northern Arizona and northern New Mexico, and southwestern Alaska. It typically occurs along streams in mountainous regions,[1] sometimes at elevations of 2,100 metres (6,900 feet) and in drier areas than paper birch.
The foliage is browsed by sheep, goats,[6] and birds; some small birds also consume the seeds.[2]
Some Plateau Indian tribes used water birch to treat pimples and sores. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
2022 Steve Matson:!2016 Julie Kierstead Nelson:!2013 Steve Matson:!2019 Richard Spjut:!2008 Steve Matson:!2013 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2008 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2019 Julie Kierstead Nelson:!
Suggested Citation
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 11/09/2024).