Wetlands: Arid West: Equally likely to occur in wetlands and non wetlands Mountains, Valleys and Coast: Occurs usually in non wetlands, occasionally in wetlands
[Wikipedia] Range, Habitat, Species Differentiation: It is native to the west coast of the United States from Washington to northern California, where it grows in wet coastal forests and woodlands. There are two varieties of the species which differ slightly in morphology and habitat occupied; these varieties have been considered separate species by some authors.[1] The var. bolanderi has thicker leaves, occurs farther south (into California), and occupies more open types of habitat, than does var. harfordii. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2025. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 02/08/2025).