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List of journals cited in
USDA NRCS-National Plants Data Center: California County Occurrence Information from Botanical Literature

updated 15 August 2000
A database table is available of this list

Ackerman, J., 1981
Pollination biology of Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis (Orchidaceae): a food-deception system., Madrono (28: 101-110.) Vouchers at:HSC?
Al-Shehbaz, I. A., 1973
The biosystematics of the genus Thelypodium (Cruciferae)., Contributions, The Gray Herbarium (204: 3-148.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, JEPS, RSA, UC
Allen, G. A., 1984
Morphological and cytological variation in the western North American Aster occidentalis complex (Asteraceae)., Systematic Botany (9: 175-191.) Vouchers at:OSC, UVIC
Allen, G. A., V. S. Ford, and L. D. Gottlieb, 1990
A new subspecies of Clarkia concinna (Onagraceae) from Marin County, California., Madrono (37: 305-310) Vouchers at:DAV, JEPS, RSA
Alt, K. S. and V. Grant, 1960
Cytotaxonomic observations on the goldback fern., Brittonia (12: 153-170.) Vouchers at:RSA
Anderson, D., 1963
On the occurrence of Lycopodium inundatum in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 8.) Vouchers at:UC
Anderson, L.C. and J.L.Reveal, 1966
Chrysothamnus bolanderi, an intergeneric hybrid., Madrono (18: 225-233.) Vouchers at:KSU
Annable, C., 1985
Vegetation and flora of the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley National Monument, California-Nevada., Masters thesis, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas. (193 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, DVNM, POM, RSA, UNLV
Argus, G., 1997
Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of California Salix., Madrono (44: 115-136.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SFV, UC
Armstrong, W., 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 111.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
Armstrong, W., 1981b
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 187-188.) Vouchers at:SD
Armstrong, W., 1981a
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 37.) Vouchers at:SD
Armstrong, W., 1984a
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (31: 123-127.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
Armstrong, W., 1984b
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (31: 191.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
Armstrong, W., 1989
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (36: 284-285.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD, UC
Armstrong, W. and R. F. Thorne, 1984
The genus Wolffia (Lemnaceae) in California., Madrono (31: 171-179.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, RSA, SD
Austin, D. F., 1992
Rare Convolvulaceae in the southwestern United States., Annals, Missouri Botanic Garden (79: 8-16.) Vouchers at:not cited
Bacigalupi, R., 1963
A species of Scirpus new to California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 16.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS
Bacigalupi, R., 1963
A new species of Lithophragma from San Clemente Island, California., Aliso (5: 349-350.) Vouchers at:UC
Bacon, J. D., 1989
Systematics of Nama (Hydrophyllaceae): reevaluation of the taxonomic status of Lemmonia californica., Aliso (12: 327-333.) Vouchers at:TEX, UC
Bain, J. F., 1988
Taxonomy of Senecio streptanthifolius Greene., Rhodora (90: 277-312.) Vouchers at:UC, US
Baker, M., 1951
A partial list of seed plants of the North Coast Counties of California., Unpublished checklist, Santa Rosa Junior College. (43 pp.) Vouchers at:NCC
Baldwin, B., 1993
Molecular phylogenetics of Calycadenia (Compositae) based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA: chromosomal and morphological evolution reexamined., American Journal of Botany (80: 222-238.) Vouchers at:DAV
Baldwin, B., 1992
New chromosome counts in Madiinae (Asteraceae) and their systematic significance., Madrono (39: 307-308.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, DAV
Baldwin, B. and S. N. Martens, 1983
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (30: 258.) Vouchers at:DAV
Baldwin, B., and D. Kyhos, 1990
A systematic and biogeographic review of Raillardiopsis [Raillardella] muirii (Asteraceae: Madiinae), with special reference to a disjunct California coast population., Madrono (37: 43-54.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, JEPS, RSA, UC
Baldwin, B., D. Kyhos, S. Martens, F. Vasek, and B. Wessa, 1996
Natural hybridization between species of Ambrosia and Hymenoclea salsola (Compositae)., Madrono (43: 15-27.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RIV, UC
Barbe, G. D., 1992
Noxious weeds of California., Dept. of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA. (95 pp.) Vouchers at:CDA
Barber, S., 1980
Taxonomic studies in the Verbena stricta complex., Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman. (182 pp.) Vouchers at:CSPU, RSA, UC, UCSB
Barbour, M. G., 1970
The flora and plant communities of Bodega Head, California., Madrono (20: 289-313.) Vouchers at:DAV
Barbour, M. G., 1972
Additions and corrections to the flora of Bodega Head, California., Madrono (21: 446-448.) Vouchers at:DAV
Barker, L., 1978
A flora of the old Gasquet Toll Road, Del Norte County, California., Masters thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (147 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
Barkworth, M., 1983
Ptilagorostis in North America and its relationship to other Stipeae (Gramineae)., Systematic Botany (8: 395-419.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Barkworth, M. E., 1993
North American Stipeae (Gramineae): taxonomic changes and other comments., Phytologia (74: 1-25.) Vouchers at:not cited
Barneby, R. C., 1950
Pugillus Astragalorum XII: Some problems in California., Aliso (2: 203-215.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, RSA
Barneby, R. C., 1958
Notes preliminary to an account of Astragalus in California., Aliso (4: 131-137.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, SD
Barneby, R. C. and E. Twisselmann, 1970
Notes on Loeflingia (Caryophyllaceae)., Madrono (20: 398-408.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, UC
Barneby, R. C., 1950
Pugillus Astragalorum XII. Some problems in California., Aliso (2: 203-215.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, RSA, NY
Barneby, R. C., 1964
Atlas of North American Astragalus., Memoirs, New York Botanical Garden (13: 1-1188.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, NY, POM, RSA
Barrett, S. and J. Strother, 1978
Taxonomy and natural history of Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae) in California., Systematic Botany (3: 408-419.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, CHSC, CSLA, DAV, DS, JEPS, LA, OBI, UC
Bartel, J., 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 184-185.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Bartel, J. and J. Shevock, 1983
Dudleya calcicola (Crassulaceae), a new species from the southern Sierra Nevada., Madrono (30: 210-216.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, RSA, SBBG, SD, UC
Bayer, R., 1989
A taxonomic revision of the Antennaria rosea (Asteraceae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae) polyploid complex., Brittonia (41: 53-60.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV
Bayer, R., 1990
A systematic study of Antennaria media, A. pulchella, and A. scabra (Asteraceae: Inuleae) of the Sierra Nevada and White Mountains., Madrono (37: 171-183.) Vouchers at:ALT, CAS, DAV, DS. JEPS, UC
Bayer, R., 1984
Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes for North American species of Antennaria (Asteraceae: Inuleae)., Systematic Botany (9: 74-83.) Vouchers at:DAV, OS
Beauchamp, R. M. and J. Henrickson, 1996
Baccharis malibuensis (Asteraceae): A new species from the Santa Monica Mountains, California., Aliso (14: 197-203.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
Becking, R., 1989
Segregation of Hastingsia serpenticola, sp. nov. from Hastingsia alba (Liliaceae: Asphodeleae)., Madrono (36: 208-216.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, HSC, JEPS, OSC, POM, RSA, UC
Benseler, R., 1975
Floral biology of California buckeye., Madrono (23: 41-53.) Vouchers at:not cited
Bergseng, M.S., 1966
The occurrence of a New Zealand plant, Geranium microphyllum in California., Madrono (18: 213.) Vouchers at:UC
Best, C., J. T. Howell, W. Knight, I. Knight, and M. Wells, 1996
A flora of Sonoma County., CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento (347 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, NCC
Biek, D., 1988
Flora of the Whiskeytown Recreation Area, Shasta County, California., U.S. National Park Service, Whiskeytown, CA. (78 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC?
Bierner, M., 1993
Hymenoxys jamesii (Asteraceae: Heleiantheae): a new species from Arizona., Madrono (40: 38-46.) Vouchers at:MO, NY, UC
Bock, J., 1968
The water hyacinth in California., Madrono (19: 281-283.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS
Botti, S., 1982a
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29: 123.) Vouchers at:UC, YNP
Botti, S., 1982b
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29: 273.) Vouchers at:CAS
Boughey, A. S., 1968
A checklist of Orange County flowering plants., Museum of Syst. Biology, Univ. of California, Irvine. Research Series No 1. (89 pp.) Vouchers at:RSA, POM
Bourell, M. and T. Daniel, 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 279-280.) Vouchers at:CAS
Bowcutt, F., 1989
Reappraisal of the range of Phacelia vallicola (Hydrophyllaceae)., Madrono (36: 51-52.) Vouchers at:CHSC, DAV, JEPS, UC
Bowcutt, F., 1996
A floristic study of Delta Meadows State Park, Sacramento County, California., Madrono (43: 417-431.) Vouchers at:DAV
Bowcutt, F., 1994
A floristic study of Sinkyone Wilderness State Park, Mendocino County, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (51: 64-143.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, HSC, JEPS, UC
Bowerman, M., 1944
The flowering plants and ferns of Mount Diablo, California., Gillick Press, Berkeley, CA. (290 pp.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Bowler, P. and A. Wolf, 1993
Vascular plants of the San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve., Crossosoma (19: 9-30.) Vouchers at:IRVC
Bowman, R., 1987
Clarkia concinna subsp. automixa (Onagraceae), a new subspecies from the south bay region, central California., Madrono (34: 41-47.) Vouchers at:CAS, CS, CSUC, GH, LA, MO, RSA, SJSU
Boyd, S. and T. Ross, 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 334.) Vouchers at:RSA, UCR
Boyd, S. and T. S. Ross, 1997
Sibaropsis (Brassicaceae), a new monotypic genus from southern California., Madrono (44: 29-47.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Boyd, S., T. Ross, and F. Roberts, Jr., 1995a
Additions to the vascular flora of the Santa Ana Mountains, California., Aliso (14: 105-108.) Vouchers at:RSA, IRVC, POM
Boyd, S., T. Ross, and O. Mistretta, 1995b
Vascular flora of the San Mateo Canyon Wilderness area, Cleveland National Forest, California., Aliso (14: 109-139.) Vouchers at:RSA
Boyd, S., T. Ross, and O. Mistretta, 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 133.) Vouchers at:RSA
Broich, S. L., 1989
Chromosome numbers of North American Lathyrus (Fabaceae)., Madrono (36: 41-48.) Vouchers at:OSC
Broich, S., 1986
A new species of Lathyrus (Fabaceae) from northwestern California., Madrono (33: 136-143.) Vouchers at:HSC, ISC, OSC, UC, WTU
Broich, S., 1987
Revision of the Lathyrus vestitus-laetiflorus complex (Fabaceae)., Systematic Botany (12: 139-153.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, HSC, JEPS, OSC, POM, RSA
Broome, C. R., 1978
Chromosome numbers and meiosis in North and Central American species of Centaurium (Gentianaceae)., Systematic Botany (3: 299-312.) Vouchers at:DUKE
Brown, R. C., 1978
Biosystematics of Psilostrophe (Compositae: Helenieae). II. Artificial hybridization and systematic treatment., Madrono (25: 187-201.) Vouchers at:POM, RSA, UC
Broyles, P., 1987
A flora of Vina Plains Preserve, Tehama County, California., Madrono (34: 209-227.) Vouchers at:CHSC
But, P. P., 1994
New combinations in Pleuropogon (Poaceae)., Novon (4: 16-17.) Vouchers at:DS, POM
Buxton, E., 1994
Linanthus latisectus (Polemoniaceae), Madrono (41: 178-184.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA, SFSU
Campbell, G. R., 1950
Mimulus guttatus and related species., Aliso (2: 319-335.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Campbell, G. R., 1952
The genus Myosurus (Ranunculaceae) in North America., Aliso (2: 389-403.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Carr, G.D., 1977
A cytological conspectus of the genus Calycadenia (Asteraceae): an example of contrasting modes of evolution., American Journal of Botany (64: 694-703.) Vouchers at:DAV, RSA, UC
Carter, A., 1974
The genus Cercidium (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico and the United States., Proceedings, California Acad. of Sciences (40: 17-57.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, RSA, SD, UC
Castagnoli, S., G. De Nevers, and R. D. Stone, 1983
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (30: 129.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Castro, B. and L. Janeway, 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 270.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, UC
Chadwick, A. and D. Keil, 1989
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (36: 32.) Vouchers at:OBI
Chambers, K., 1975
Chromosome counts and a new combination in Claytonia sect. Limnia (Portulacaceae)., Madrono (23: 296-297.) Vouchers at:HSC, OSC
Chambers, K., 1963
Claytonia nevadensis in Oregon., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 1-8.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, UC
Chmielewski, J. G., 1997
A taxonomic revision of the Antennaria media (Asteraceae: Inuleae) polyploid species complex in western North America., Brittonia (49: 309-327.) Vouchers at:CAS, SD
Chuang, T. I. and L. R. Heckard, 1975
Taxonomic status of Cordylanthus (subg. Dicranostegia) orcuttianus (Scrophulariaceae)., Madrono (23: 88-95.) Vouchers at:SD
Chuang, T. I. and L. R. Heckard, 1992a
Chromosome numbers of some North American Scrophulariaceae, mostly Californian., Madrono (39: 137-149.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Chuang, T. I. and L. R. Heckard, 1993c
Nomenclatural changes of some Californian Castilleja (Scrophulariaceae)., Novon (2: 185-189.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SD
Chuang, T. I. and L. R. Heckard, 1992b
A taxonomic revision of Orthocarpus (Scrophulariaceae - tribe Pediculareae., Systematic Botany (17: 560-582.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Chuang, T. I. and L. R. Heckard, 1982
Chromosome numbers of Orthocarpus and related monotypic genera (Scrophulariaceae): subtribe Castillejinae., Brittonia (34: 89-101.) Vouchers at:ISU, JEPS
Clark, C., 1978
Systematic studies of Eschscholzia (Papaveraceae). I. The origin and affinities of E. mexicana., Systematic Botany (3: 374-385) Vouchers at:DAV
Clark, C. and J. Jernstedt, 1978
Systematic studies of Eschscholzia (Papaveraceae). II. Seed coat microsculpturing., Systematic Botany (3: 386-402.) Vouchers at:DAV
Clark, C. and M. Faull, 1991
A new subspecies and a new combination in Eschscholzia minutiflora (Papaveraceae)., Madrono (38: 73-79.) Vouchers at:CAS, CSPU, LA, POM, UC
Clark, W. D., 1979
The taxonomy of Hazardia (Compositae: Astereae)., Madrono (26: 105-127.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA, UC
Cody, M. and H. Thompson, 1986
Distribution and morphology of Haplopappus hybrids (Asteraceae: Astereae) in the Mojave Desert., Madrono (33: 237-243.) Vouchers at:LA
Coleman, R., 1995
The wild orchids of California., Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY (201 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA, SBBG, SFSU, UC, UCSB
Connor, H. E., 1971
A naturalized Cortaderia (Gramineae) in California., Madrono (21: 37-38.) Vouchers at:not cited
Constance, L., 1939
The genus Pholistoma Lilja, Bulletin, Torrey Botanical Club (66: 341-352.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, POM, UC
Couch, R. and E. Nelson, 1988
Myriophyllum quitense (Haloragaceae) in the United States., Brittonia (40: 85-88.) Vouchers at:CHSC, JEPS
Coulter, M. C., 1978
Additions to the flora of the Farallon Islands, California., Madrono (25: 234-236.) Vouchers at:DS, PRBO
Coulter, M. C., 1971
A flora of the Farallon Islands, California., Madrono (21: 131-137.) Vouchers at:DS
Crampton, B., 1968
Three roadside grasses as records for Sacramento, El Dorado, and Placer counties, California., Madrono (19: 224) Vouchers at:AHUC
Crampton, B., 1979
Contributions to the flora of the Sacramento Valley 1. Yolo County., Herbarium, Univ. of California, Davis. (7 pp.) Vouchers at:DAV
Crampton, B., 1966
Grass records for Yolo and Solano Counties in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 279-280.) Vouchers at:DAV
Crampton, B., 1964
Notes on California grasses and forbs., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 75-77.) Vouchers at:DAV
Critchfield, W. B. and G. L. Allenbaugh, 1965
Washoe Pine in the Bald Mountain Range, California., Madrono (18: 63-64.) Vouchers at:UC
Curto, M., 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 134.) Vouchers at:SD
Curto, M. and L. Allen, 1987
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (34: 170.) Vouchers at:SD
Curto, M., L. Allen, G. Levin, and L. Hendrickson, 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 134-135.) Vouchers at:SD
Daniel, T., 1997
The Acanthaceae of California and the peninsula of Baja California., Proceedings, California Acad. of Sciences (49 (10): 309-403) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, SD, UC
Daniel, T. F. and C. Best, 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 309-310.) Vouchers at:CAS
Davis, J. I., 1990
Puccinellia howellii (Poaceae), a new species from California., Madrono (37: 55-58.) Vouchers at:BH, CAS, DAV, DS, HSC, RSA, UC
Davis, Liam and R. Sherman, 1991
Crupina vulgaris Cass. (Asteraceae: Cynareae), established in Sonoma County, California at Annadel State Park., Madrono (38: 296.) Vouchers at:CDA
Davis, Liam and R. Sherman, 1992
Ecological study of the rare Chorizanthe valida (Polygonaceae) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California., Madrono (39: 271-280.) Vouchers at:not cited
Davis, W. S., 1993
Systematics of Malacothrix phaeocarpa, a new species related to M. floccidera (Asteraceae: Lactuceae)., Madrono (40: 101-107.) Vouchers at:CAS, MO, OBI, RSA, SBBG, UC
Davis, W. S. and P. H. Raven, 1962
Three new species related to Malacothrix clevelandii., Madrono (16: 258-262.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, RSA, UC
Davis, W. S. and R. Philbrick, 1986
Natural hybridization between Malacothrix incana and M. saxatilis var. implicata (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) on San Miguel Island, California., Madrono (33: 253-263.) Vouchers at:SBBG, DHL
Davis, W.S., 1997
The systematics of annual species of Malacothrix (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) endemic to the California islands., Madrono (44: 223-244) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, RSA, SBBG
Davis, W.S. and H.J.Thompson, 1967
A revision of Petalonyx (Loasaceae) with a consideration of affinities in subfamily Gronovoideae., Madrono (19: 1-18.) Vouchers at:POM
Day, A., 1995
Sessile-flowered species in the Navarretia leucocephala group (Polemoniaceae)., Madrono (42: 34-39.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Day, Al., 1993
New taxa and nomenclatural changes in Allophyllum, Gilia, and Navarretia (Polemoniaceae)., Novon (3: 331-340.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
De Jong, D. C. D. and F. H. Montgomery, 1963
Chromosome numbers in some Californian Compositae - Astereae., Aliso (5: 255-256.) Vouchers at:RSA
Dean, M. L. and K. L. Chambers, 1983
Chromosome numbers and evolutionary patterns in the Aster occidentalis (Asteraceae) polyploid complex of western North America., Brittonia (35: 189-196.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, OSC, POM, RSA, UC
DeDecker, M., 1974
Redescription of Eriogonum hoffmannii, a Death Valley endemic., Madrono (22: 379.) Vouchers at:CAS
DeDecker, M., 1982
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29: 271-272.) Vouchers at:CAS, NY, RSA, SB, UC
Dempster, L. T., 1958
Dimorphism in the fruits of Plectritis, and its taxonomic implications., Brittonia (10: 14-28.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Dempster, L. T., 1976
Galium mexicanum (Rubiaceae) of Central America and western North America., Madrono (23: 378-386.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Dempster, L. T., 1996
A new subspecies of Lewisia (Portulacaceae) in California., Madrono (43: 415-416.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Dempster, L. T. and G. L. Stebbins, 1971
The Galium angustifolium complex (Rubiaceae) of California and Baja California., Madrono (21: 70-95.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SBBG,UC, UCSB
Denison, S. and D. McNeal, 1989
A re-evaluation of the Allium sanbornii (Alliaceae) complex., Madrono (36: 122-130.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, CPH, DAV, DS, GH, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Desrochers, A. and B. A. Bohm, 1995
Biosystematic study of Lasthenia californica., Systematic Botany (20: 65-84.) Vouchers at:UBC
Dietrich, W., W. L. Wagner, and P. H. Raven, 1997
Systematics of Oenothera section Oenothera subsection Oenothera (Onagraceae)., Systematic Botany Monographs (50: 1-234.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, HSC, JEPS, LA, POM, RSA, SD, UC
Dimling, J., 1991
Comments on Sidalcea (Malvaceae) of the Klamath Mountains of Oregon and California., Madrono (38: 267-277.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OSC
DiTomaso, J. M, 1981
Re-establishment of Angelica californica (Umbelliferae)., Madrono (28: 226-230.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, CHSC, DAV, DS, JEPS, PUA, UC
DiTomaso, J. M., 1984
Realignments in northern California Angelixa (Umbelliferae)., Madrono (31: 69-79.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, CHSC, DAV, DS, FSC, HSC, JEPS, POM, RSA, SCAT, SD, UC
Dodd, R. and Z. Rafii, 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 79.) Vouchers at:UC?
Dolan, R. and L. LaPre, 1989
Taxonomy of Streptanthus sect. Biennes, the Strepatanthus morrisonii complex (Brassicaceae)., Madrono (36: 33-40.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC, RSA
Dorn, R., 1995
A taxonomic study of Salix section Cordatae subsection Luteae (Salicaceae)., Brittonia (47: 160-174.) Vouchers at:NY, RM, RSA
Downie, S. R. and K. E. Denford, 1988
Taxonomy of Arnica (Asteraceae) subgenus Arctica., Rhodora (90: 245-275.) Vouchers at:UC
Dunn, D. B., 1958
Lupinus concinnus var. brevior., Aliso (4: 138.) Vouchers at:DS, JEPS, POM, RSA
Dunn, D. B., 1955
Taxonomy of Lupinus, group Micranthi (Leguminosae) of the Pacific Coast., Aliso (3: 135-171.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS. JEPS, POM, RSA,. UC
Eckenwalder, J., 1982
Populus x inopina hybr. nov. (Salicaceae), a natural hybrid between the native North American P. fremontii S.Watson and the introduced Eurasian P. nigra L., Madrono (29:67-78.) Vouchers at:UC
Ediger, R. and N. Santamaria, 1971
Ratibida columnifera (Compositae) in California., Madrono (21: 12.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Edwards, J. and S. Edwards, 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 97.) Vouchers at:UC
Elisens, W. J., 1985
Monograph of the Maurandyinae (Scrophulariaceae-Antirrhineae)., Systematic Botany Monographs (5: 1-97.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, RSA, UC
Elvander, P. E., 1984
The taxonomy of Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) section Boraphila subsection Integrifoliae in western North America., Systematic Botany Monographs (3: 1-44.) Vouchers at:DS, UC, UTC
Epling, C., H. Lewis, and P. H. Raven, 1962
Chromosomes of Salvia: Section Audibertia., Aliso (5: 217-221.) Vouchers at:UCLA
Ertter, B., 1988
Ivesia aperta var. canina (Rosaceae), new from California., Brittonia (40: 398-399.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, HSC, RENO, RSA
Ertter, B., 1992
A re-evaluation of Potentilla drummondii and P. breweri (Rosaceae), with the new species Potentilla morefieldii., Brittonia (44: 429-435.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA, SBBG
Ertter, B., 1997
Annotated checklist of the east bay flora., CA Native Plant Society East Bay Chapter, Special Publ No. 3 (114 pp.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Ertter, B., 1985
Paronychia ahartii (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from California., Madrono (32: 87-90.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS
Ertter, B., 1986
The Juncus triformis complex., Memoirs, New York Botanical Garden (39: 1-90.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, NY, POM, RSA, UC
Ertter, B., 1989
Revisionary studies in Ivesia (Rosaceae: Potentilleae)., Systematic Botany (14: 231-244.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS, HSC, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC, UCR
Ertter, B., 1993
A re-evaluation of the Horkelia bolanderi (Rosaceae) complex, with the new species Horkelia yadonii., Systematic Botany (18: 137-144.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OBI, POM, RSA, SBBG, UC
Ferlatte, W. J., 1969
New distribution record for Claytonia nevadensis from northwestern California., Madrono (19: 31.) Vouchers at:HSC
Ferlatte, W. J., 1972
Haplopappus lyalli Gray (Compositae), a new record from California., Madrono (21: 535.) Vouchers at:HSC, UC
Ferlatte, W. J. and J. Strother, 1990
Potentilla cristae (Rosaceae), a new species from northwestern California., Madrono (37: 190-194.) Vouchers at:DS, JEPS, KNFY, UC
Ferlatte, W. J., 1974
A flora of the Trinity Alps of northern California., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. (206 pp.) Vouchers at:UC
Ferren, W., 1991
A catalogue of the vascular plants of Fish Slough., Final Report. Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. (16 pp.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Ferren, W. and S. A. Whitmore, 1983
Suaeda esteroa (Chenopodiaceae), a new species from the estuaries of southern California and Baja California., Madrono (30: 181-190.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Ferren, W. , H. C. Forbes, D. A. Roberts, and D. M. Smith, 1984
The botanical resources of La Purisima Mission State Park., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Publ. No. 3 (159 pp.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Ferren, W. , J. Bleck, and N. Vivrette, 1981
Malephora crocea (Aizoaceae) naturalized in California., Madrono (28: 80-85.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Ferren, W. , M. Capelli, A. Parikh, D. Magney, K. Clark, and J. R. Haller, 1990
Botanical resources at Emma Wood State Beach and the Ventura River Estuary, California: Inventory and Management., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Environmental Report No. 15. (310 pp.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Ferren, W. , S. Junak, and M. Barkworth, 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 309-310.) Vouchers at:PENN, SBBG, SD, UCSB
Fletcher, M., 1983
A flora of Hollister Ranch, Santa Barbara County, California., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Publ. No. 2 (77 pp.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Fritsch, P., 1996
Population structure and patterns of morphological variation in Californian Styrax (Styracaceae)., Aliso (14: 205-218.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA
Gankin, R., 1966
A new species of Arctostaphylos from Santa Barbara County, California., Four Seasons (2(1):13-14.) Vouchers at:DAV
Gankin, R. and W. R. Hildreth, 1968
A new species of Lewisia from Mendocino County, California, Four Seasons (2(4): 12-14.) Vouchers at:DAV
Gillett, John, 1972
Two new species of Trifolium (Leguminosae) from California and Nevada., Madrono (21: 451-478.) Vouchers at:NY, RSA, UC, US, UTC
Gordon, T. and M. Grayum, 1976
Sedum spathulifolium (Crassulaceae), new to the Santa Monica Mountains, California., Madrono (23: 454.) Vouchers at:SFV
Gordon-Reedy, P., 1997
Noteworth Collections., Madrono (44: 305) Vouchers at:SD
Gordon-Reedy, P., 1990
Trichome patterns and geographic variation in Leptodactylon californicum (Polemoniaceae)., Madrono (37: 28-42.) Vouchers at:CAS, IRVC, LA, OBI, POM, RSA, SD, SFSU, UCR, UCSB
Gottlieb, L. D. and L. Janeway, 1997
A new subspecies of Clarkia mildrediae (Onagraceae)., Madrono (44: 245-252) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC
Gottlieb, L. D., 1971
Evolutionary relationships in the outcrossing diplod annual species of Stephanomeria (Compositae)., Evolution (25: 312-329.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV,JEPS, UC
Gottlieb, L. D., 1972
A proposal for classification of the annual species of Stephanomeria (Compositae)., Madrono (21: 463-481.) Vouchers at:DAV, RSA, SBBG
Gottlieb, L. D. and L. Janeway, 1995
The status of Clarkia mosquinii (Onagraceae)., Madrono (42: 29-81.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, LA
Grams, H., K. McPherson, V. King, S. MacLeod, and M. Barbour, 1977
Northern coastal scrub on Point Reyes Peninsula, California., Madrono (24: 18-23.) Vouchers at:DAV
Grant, A. and V. Grant, 1955
The genus Allophyllum (Polemoniaceae)., Aliso (3: 93-110.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Grant, A. and V. Grant, 1956
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. VIII. The cobwebby Gilias., Aliso (3: 203-287.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC, POM, RSA
Grant, V., 1954a
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. IV. Gilia achilleaefolia., Aliso (3: 1-18.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Grant, V., 1954b
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. V. Gilia clivorum., Aliso (3: 19-34.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Grant, V., 1964
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. XII. Fertility relationships of the polyploid cobwebby Gilias., Aliso (5: 479-507.) Vouchers at:RSA
Grant, V. and A. Grant, 1954
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. VII. The woodland Gilias., Aliso (3: 59-91.) Vouchers at:JEPS, POM, UC
Grant, V. and A. Grant, 1960
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. XI. Fertility relationships of the diploid cobwebby Gilias., Aliso (4: 435-481.) Vouchers at:RSA
Grant, V., 1950
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. I. Gilia capitata., Aliso (2: 239-316.) Vouchers at:CAS, UCLA, JEPS, UC, RSA, POM
Grant, V., 1952a
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. II. Gilia capitata abrotanifolia., Aliso (2: 361-373.) Vouchers at:CAS, UCLA, JEPS, UC, RSA, POM
Grant, V., 1952b
Genetic and taxonomic studies in Gilia. III. The Gilia tricolor complex., Aliso (2: 375-388.) Vouchers at:CAS, UCLA, JEPS, UC, RSA, POM
Grayum, M. and K. Wilson, 1975
Bacopa monnieri (Scrophulariaceae), a new record for California., Madrono (23: 161.) Vouchers at:RSA
Gregory, D. P. and W. M. Klein, 1960
Investigations of meiotic chromosomes of six genera in the Onagraceae., Aliso (4: 505-521.) Vouchers at:RSA
Griffin, J., 1975
Plants of the highest Santa Lucia and Diablo Range Peaks, California., Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Berkeley. (50 pp.) Vouchers at:UC
Griffin, J. and J. Tucker, 1976
Range extension for Quercus dunnii in central California., Madrono (23: 295.) Vouchers at:DAV
Griffin, J. and W. R. Powell, 1971
Some vascular plants of eastern Shasta County, California., State Cooperative Soil - Vegetation Survey, CA Division of Forestry. (42 pp.) Vouchers at:not cited
Griffin, J.R. and C.O.Stone, 1967
MacNab Cypress in northern California., Madrono (19: 19-27.) Vouchers at:USFS
Grimes, J. W., 1990
A revision of new world species of Psoraleeae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae)., Memoirs, New York Botanical Garden (61: 1-114.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA, SD, UC
Haines, R. D. and C. J. Evans, 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 39-41.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, FSC, JEPS, UC
Haller, J. R., 1986
Taxonomy and relationships of the mainland and island populations of Pinus torreyana (Pinaceae)., Systematic Botany (11: 39-50.) Vouchers at:SBBG, UC, UCSB
Halse, R. R., 1981
Taxonomy of Phacelia sect. Miltitzia (Hydrophyllaceae), Madrono (28: 121-132.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OSC, RSA, UC
Hammel, B. and J. Reeder, 1979
The genus Crypsis (Gramineae) in the United States., Systematic Botany (4: 267-280.) Vouchers at:AHUC, RM
Hammond, P., 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 135.) Vouchers at:CAS, OSC, UC
Hamon, D., 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 188.) Vouchers at:FSC, HSC, UC
Hardham, C., 1966
Three diploid species of the Monardella villosa complex., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 237-356.) Vouchers at:CAS
Hardham, C., 1964b
A new Collinsia from Monterey County, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 33-35.) Vouchers at:CAS
Hardham, C., 1964a
A new California Chorizanthe., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 95-96..) Vouchers at:CAS
Hardham, C. and G. H. True, Jr., 1972
Malacothrix torreyi (Compositae) in California., Madrono (21: 535.) Vouchers at:CAS
Hartman, R. and L. Constance, 1988
A new Lomatium (Apiaceae) from the Sierran crest of California., Madrono (35: 121-125.) Vouchers at:CAS, MO, NY, RM, RSA, UC
Haufler, C., M. Windham, and E. Rabe, 1995
Reticulate evolution in the Polypodium vulgare complex ., Systematic Botany (20: 89-109.) Vouchers at:ASC, KANU, UT
Havlik, Neil, 1982
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29:123.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Hawksworth, F. and D. Wiens, 1996
Dwarf mistletoes: biology, pathology and systematics., USDA, Forest Service. Agriculture Handbook 709. (410 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, FPF, JEPS, PFRS, RSA, SD, UC
Hawksworth, F. G., D. Wiens, and D. L. Nickrent, 1992
New western North American taxa of Arceuthobium (Viscaceae)., Novon (2: 204-211.) Vouchers at:CAS, FPF, HSC, UC, US
Heckard, L. R., 1969
A new Campaula from northern California., Madrono (20: 231-235.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Heckard, L. R. and G. L. Stebbins, Jr., 1974
A new Lewisia (Portulacaceae) from the Sierra Nevada of California., Brittonia (26: 305-308.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, JEPS, RSA
Heckard, L. R. and J. C. Hickman, 1985
The vascular plants of Snow Mountain, North Coast Ranges, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (43: 1-42.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Heckard, L. R. and L. T. Collins, 1982
Taxonomy and distribution of Orobanche valida (Orobanchaceae)., Madrono (29:95-100.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Heckard, L., M. Morris, and T. I. Chaung, 1980
Origin and Taxonomy of Castilleja montigena (Scrophulariaceae)., Systematic Botany (5: 71-85.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Heckard, L. R., 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 179-180.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC, JEPS
Heckard, L. R. and J. Shevock, 1985
Mimulus norrisii (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from the southern Sierra Nevada., Madrono (32: 179-185.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, OBI, RSA, SD
Heckard, L. R. and R. Bacigalupi, 1970
A new species of Castilleja from the southern Sierra Nevada., Madrono (20: 209-240.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, UC, RSA
Heckard, L. R. and R. Bacigalupi, 1986
Mimulus shevockii (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from desert habitats in the southern Sierra Nevada of California., Madrono (33: 271-277.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, MO, NY, RSA, SBBG
Henrickson, J., 1987
New species, combinations, and notes in Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae)., Aliso (11: 589-598.) Vouchers at:CAL, RSA
Henrickson, J., 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 100-101.) Vouchers at:CAS, CSLA, RSA, SB
Hess, W. J. and J. C. Dice, 1995
Nolina cismontana (Nolinaceae), a new species name for an old taxon., Novon (5: 162-164.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, RSA, SD, UC
Hilu, K,, 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 177-178.) Vouchers at:UCR
Hinds, H. and R. Morgan, 1995
Polygonum hickmanii (Polygonaceae), a new species from California., Novon (5: 336.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA, UC
Hirschberg, J. and D. Clemons., 1996
Vascular plants of the Cuyamaca and Laguna Mountains, California., Phytologia (81: 69-102.) Vouchers at:POM, RSA, SD, UCR
Hirshberg, J. and G. Levin, 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 279.) Vouchers at:SD, UC
Hohn, J., 1975
Argemone munita (Papaveraceae): Range extension and morphological notes., Madrono (23: 98.) Vouchers at:WTU
Holland, D., 1987
Prosopis (Mimosaceae) in the San Joaquin Valley, California: vanishing relect or recent invader?, Madrono (34: 324-333.) Vouchers at:CAS, CSLA, CSPU, DS, FSC, LA, OBI, POM, RSA, SJSU
Holmgren, N. and P. Holmgren, 1989
A taxonomic study of Jamesia (Hydrangeaceae)., Brittonia (41: 335-350.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OSC, POM, RENO, RSA, UC
Holsinger, K., 1985
A phenetic study of Clarkia unguiculata Lindley (Onagraceae) and its relatives., Systematic Botany (10: 155-165.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LA, RSA, UC, UCR
Hong, S.-P., 1991
A revision of Aconogonum (= Polygonum sect. Aconogonum, Polygonaceae) in North America., Rhodora (93: 322-346.) Vouchers at:GH, MO, NY, UC, US
Hoover, R. F., 1968
Two Orthocarpus species from the San Joaquin Valley, California., Four Seasons (2(4): 14-15.) Vouchers at:JEPS, OBI, UC
Hoover, R. F. and J. B. Roof, 1966
Two new shrubs from San Luis Obispo County, California., Four Seasons (2(1):2-5.) Vouchers at:CAS
Hoover, R.F., 1940
A monograph of the genus Chlorogalum., Madrono (5: 137-147.) Vouchers at:CAS,DS,JEPS,UC
Hoover, R.F., 1965
A new Dudleya from California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 186-187.) Vouchers at:CAS
Hoover, R.F., 1966a
Chondrilla, a new weed for California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 255.) Vouchers at:CAS, OBI
Hoover, R.F., 1966b
A new species of Sanicula from California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 300-301.) Vouchers at:OBI
Hoover, R.F., 1964
A new manzanita from Monterey., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 87-90.) Vouchers at:OBI
Hoover, R.F., 1970
The Vascular Plants of San Luis Obispo County, California., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. (355 pp.) Vouchers at:OBI
Hopkins, C. O. and W. H. Blackwell, 1977
Synopsis of Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in North America., Sida (7: 147-173.) Vouchers at:GH, MO, NY, JEPS, UC
Houle, F. and L. Brouillet, 1985
Chromosome number determinations in Aster section Conyzopsis (Asteraceae)., Brittonia (37: 369-372.) Vouchers at:MT
Howald, A., 1981
A flora of Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve. Part 1. Valentine Camp., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Publ. No. 1 (pp. 3-55.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Howald, A. and B. Orr, 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 86.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC, UCSB
Howell, J. T., 1963a
Eriogonum notes VI: varieties of E. douglasii and E. ochrocephalum., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 13-15.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1965a
Arabidopsis in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 156.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1965b
Maiden pink in the Sierra Nevada., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 156.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1965c
Notes on Oxytheca., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 180.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1965d
A new Sierran Streptanthus., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 182-183.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Howell, J. T., 1965e
Tolpis in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 188.) Vouchers at:CAS, OBI
Howell, J. T., 1966a
Viscum album in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 244.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1966b
A new Potentilla from the Sierra Nevada, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 254-255.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1966c
Notes on Gaultheria in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 270-274.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1966d
Lotus pedunculatus in the Pacific states., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 272.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1963b
Haploappus ciliatus in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 32.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1963c
Harding grass in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 40-41.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1963d
A new California Nemacladus., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 45-46.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1979a
A new species of Poa (Gramineae) from the Sierra Nevada, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (37: 18-20.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1979b
A reconsideration of Trisetum projectum (Gramineae)., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (37: 21-23.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Howell, J. T., 1947
Base camp botany, 1947., Unpublished checklist, California Acad. of Sciences, San Francisco. (16 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Howell, J. T., 1946
Base camp botany, 1946., Unpublished checklist, California Acad. of Sciences, San Francisco. (17 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1975
A new Pogogyne., Four Seasons (4(3): 23.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T. & G. L. True, Jr., 1975
A new Sierran Sidalcea, Four Seasons (4(3): 20-22.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T. and E. Twisselmann, 1963
A new Eriogonum from the South Coast Ranges, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 42-45.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T. and G. True, 1966
Interesting plants from Nevada County, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 274-278.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T. and J. Reveal, 1965
A new species of Eriogonum from the Panamint Mountains, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 174-176.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T. and R. J. Long, 1970
The ferns and fern allies of the Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada., Four Seasons (3(3): 2-18.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., P. Raven, and P. Rubtzoff, 1958
A flora of San Francisco., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (16: 1-157.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1966e
Concerning two Asiatic elms., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 328-329.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1970
Marin flora: manual of the flowering plants and ferns of Marin County, California., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. (366 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howell, J. T., 1948
Base camp botany, 1948., Unpublished checklist, California Acad. of Sciences, San Francisco. (18 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Howitt, B. and J. T. Howell, 1973
Supplement to the vascular plants of Monterey County, California., Museum of Natural History Association. Pacific Grove, CA. (60 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Howitt, B. and J. T. Howell, 1964
The vascular plants of Monterey County, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (22: 1-184.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Hufford, L., 1987
Inflorescence structure of Eucnide (Loasaceae)., Madrono (34: 18-28.) Vouchers at:UC
Hughes, W. E., 1972
Corallorhiza mertensiana Bong. in Mendocino County., Madrono (21: 267.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Hunter, J. C., 1993
Quercus douglasii (Fagaceae) in California's Central Valley., Madrono (40: 62.) Vouchers at:DAV
Hunter, K. Bell, and R. E. Johnson, 1983
Alpine flora of the Sweetwater Mountains, Mono County, California., Madrono (30 (Supplement): 89-105.) Vouchers at:UNLV
Hutt, D. and R. Lloyd, 1964
Pteris vittata naturalized in southern California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 105-106.) Vouchers at:UC
Isely, D., 1992
Innovations in California Trifolium and Lathyrus., Madrono (39: 90-97.) Vouchers at:JEPS, NY, UC, WS
Isely, D., 1983
New combinations and two new varieties in Astragalus, Orophaca, and Oxytropis (Leguminosae)., Systematic Botany (8: 42-426.) Vouchers at:CAS
Janeway, L., 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 268-269.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, LA
Johnson, D. E., 1991
Nomenclatural conspectus of annual Eriophyllinae (Asteraceae)., Novon (1: 119-124.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Johnson, D. M., 1986
Systematics of the New World species of Marsilea (Marsileaceae)., Systematic Botany Monographs (11: 1-87) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Johnson, L., 1976
Range extensions of three conifers and a dwarf mistletoe in the Panamint Mountains, Death Valley National Monument., Madrono (23: 402-403.) Vouchers at:IFGP
Jokerst, J., 1983
The vascular flora of Table Mountainm Butte County, California., Madrono (30 (Supplement): 1-18.) Vouchers at:CHSC
Jokerst, J., 1985
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (32: 191.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC
Jokerst, J. D., 1991
A revision of Acanthomintha obovata (Lamiaceae) and a key to the taxa of Acanthomintha., Madrono (38: 278-286.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, CAS
Jones, C. E., L. Colin, T. Ericson, R. J. Little, and A. Sanders, 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 101.) Vouchers at:MACF, UC, UCR
Joyal, E., 1989
Myosotis latifolia and not Myosotis sylvatica (Boraginaceae) in California., Madrono (36: 131.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, NY, RSA, UC
Junak, S., R. Philbrick, and C. Drost, 1993
A revised flora of Santa Barbara Island., Occasional Paper 6. Santa Cruz Island Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA. (6: 55-112.) Vouchers at:RSA, SBBG
Junak, S., T. Ayers, R. Scott, D. Wilken, and D. Young, 1995
A flora of Santa Cruz Island., Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA. (397 pp.) Vouchers at:SBBG
Kadereit, J. W., 1988
Papver L. sect Californicum Kadereit, a new section of the genus., Rhodora (90: 7-13.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH
Keck, D. D., 1958
Taxonomic notes on the California flora., Aliso (4: 101-114.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA
Keeley, J.E., L.Boykin, and A.Massihi, 1997
Phenetic analysis of Arctostaphylos parryana. I. Two new burl-forming subspecies., Madrono (44: 253-267) Vouchers at:RSA
Keeley, J., 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 157.) Vouchers at:LOC
Keeley, J., 1994
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (41: 65.) Vouchers at:LOC
Keeley, J. and A. Massihi, 1994
Arctostaphylos rainbowensis. A new burl-forming manzanita from northern San Diego County, California., Madrono (41: 1-12.) Vouchers at:CAS, LOC, RSA,SD
Keeley, J. and M. Baer Keeley, 1994
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (41: 148.) Vouchers at:LOC
Keeley, J. and S. Keeley, 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 189.) Vouchers at:LOC, RSA
Keil, D., 1990
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (37: 112.) Vouchers at:OBI
Keil, D., R. Allen, J. Nishida, and E. Wise, 1985
Addenda to the vascular flora of San Luis Obispo County, California., Madrono (32: 214-224.) Vouchers at:OBI
Kelley, W., 1989
Comments and notes on Portulaca in California., Madrono (36: 281-282.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA, UC
Kelman, W., 1991
A revision of Fremontodendron (Sterculiaceae)., Systematic Botany (16: 3-20.) Vouchers at:BHO, CAS, DAV, JEPS, LA, RSA, SBBG, SD
Kelso, S., 1991
Taxonomy and biogeography of Primula sect. Cuneifolia (Primulaceae) in North America., Madrono (38: 37-44.) Vouchers at:GH, US
King, John, 1985
Flora. In Flora and Fauna of the Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve., Institute of Ecology, Univ. of California, Davis Publ. No 29. (pp. 18-46.) Vouchers at:DAV
Knight, W., 1965
A new southern station for Abies grandis., Four Seasons (1(2):9.) Vouchers at:CAS
Knight, W., 1966
A new Fritillaria from Mendocino County, California., Four Seasons (2(1):14-15.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Knight, W., 1968
A new California Ceanothus., Four Seasons (2(4): 23-24.) Vouchers at:CAS
Knight, W., 1988
Arctostaphylos wellsii, a new species from San Luis Obispo County, California., Four Seasons (8(3): 12-16.) Vouchers at:UC
Knight, W., I. Knight, and J. T. Howell, 1970
A vegetation survey of the Butterfly Botanical Area, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (28: 1-46.) Vouchers at:CAS
Kruckeberg, A. R., 1984
California serpentinites: flora, vegetation, geology, soils, and management problems., Univ. California Publ. Botany (78: 1-180) Vouchers at:CAS, UC, WTU
Kruckeberg, A. R. and R. D. Reeves, 1995
Nickel accumulation by serpentine species of Streptanthus (Brassicaceae): Field and greennhouse studies., Madrono (42: 458-469.) Vouchers at:WTU
Kruckeberg, A. R. and J. L. Morrison, 1983
New Streptanthus (Cruciferae) from California., Madrono (30: 230-244.) Vouchers at:HSC, JEPS, UC, WTU
Lane, M., 1985
Taxonomy of Gutierrezia (Compositae: Astereae) in North America., Systematic Botany (10: 7-28.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA, UC
Lang, F. A. and V. Stansell, 1982
Noteworthy collections., Madrono (29:57.) Vouchers at:SOC
Larson, J. Hebert, J. Stebbins, and W. Porter, 1985
A revised checklist of the plants of the San Joaquin Experimental Range., CA Agricultural Technology Institute, Fresno (38 pp.) Vouchers at:FSC
Lathrop, E. and R. Thorne, 1985
A flora of the Santa Rosa Plateau., Southern California Botanists. Special Publ. No. 1 (39 pp.) Vouchers at:RSA
Heckard, L. R., S. Ingram, and T. I. Chuang, 1991
Status and distribution of Castilleja mollis (Scrophulariaceae)., Madrono (38: 141-142.) Vouchers at:JEPS, SBBG, UCSB
Lee, G., 1983
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (30: 129.) Vouchers at:DAV
Lee, G., 1988
A systematic re-evaluation of Phacelia mohavensis var. exilis (Hydrophyllaceae)., Systematic Botany (13: 16-20.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS, RSA, SD, UC, UCR
Leen, R., 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 79.) Vouchers at:CAS
Lenz, L., 1975b
The chromosomes of Bloomeria and Muilla (Liliaceae) and range extensions for Muilla coronata and M. transmontana., Aliso (8: 259-262.) Vouchers at:RSA
Lenz, L., 1975a
A biosystematic study of Triteleia (Liliaceae). 1. Revision of the species of section Calliprora., Aliso (8: 221-258.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA
Lenz, L. W., 1958
A revision of the Pacific Coast Irises., Aliso (4: 1-72.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, POM, UC
Lester, G., M. Vasey, and W. Rodstrom, 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 86.) Vouchers at:HSC
Levin, G., 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 150.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA, SD, UC
Levin, G., 1987
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (34: 170-171.) Vouchers at:SD
Levin, G., 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 279.) Vouchers at:SD
Levin, G., 1991
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (38: 144.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD, UC
Levin, G., 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 133-134.) Vouchers at:SD
Levin, G., 1994
Systematics of the Acalypha californica complex (Euphorbiaceae)., Madrono (41: 254-265.) Vouchers at:SD
Levin, G. and J. Hirshberg, 1991
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (38: 144.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, RSA, SD, UC, UCR
Lewis, H., 1945
A revision of the genus Trichostema., Brittonia (5: 276-303.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA, SDG, UC
Lewis, H. and C. Epling, 1954
A taxonomic study of Californian Delphiniums., Brittonia (8: 1-22.) Vouchers at:LA
Lewis, H., C. Epling, G. Mehlquist, and C. Wyckoff, 1951
Chromosome numbers of Californian Delphiniums., Annals, Missouri Botanical Garden (38: 101-117.) Vouchers at:UCLA
Lewis, H., P. H. Raven, C. S. Venkatesh, and H. L. Wedberg, 1958
Observations of meiotic chromosomes in the Onagraceae., Aliso (4: 73-86.) Vouchers at:UCLA
Lewis, H. and P. H. Raven, 1992
New combinations in the genus Clarkia (Onagraceae)., Madrono (39: 163-169.) Vouchers at:CAS, LA, NY
Lindsay, G., 1996
The taxonomy and ecology of the genus Ferocactus., Tireless Termites Press. (444 pp.) Vouchers at:SD?
Liston, A., 1990a
Taxonomic notes on Astragalus section Leptocarpi subsection Californici (Fabaceae)., Brittonia (42: 100-104.) Vouchers at:AHUC, JEPS, DS, POM, UC
Liston, A., 1987
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (34: 381.) Vouchers at:RSA
Liston, A., 1990b
Chromosome counts in Astragalus (Fabaceae)., Madrono (37: 59-60.) Vouchers at:RSA
Little. E., 1976
Atlas of United States trees. Vol. 3. Minor western hardwoods., US Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service. Misc. Publ. No 1314. (223 pp.) Vouchers at:not cited
Lloyd, R. M. and R. S. Mitchell, 1973
A flora of the White Mountains., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. (202 pp.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Macfarlane, R. M., 1978
On the taxonomic status of Fritillaria phaeanthera Eastw. (Liliaceae)., Madrono (25: 93-100.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RENO, UC
MacNeill, C. ., W. Brophy, and A. Smith, 1978
Ferns of the New York Mountains, California with biogeographic comments., Madrono (25: 54-57.) Vouchers at:OM, UC
Magney, D., 1987
The range and two new locations of Boschniaka strobilacea (Orobanchaceae)., Madrono (34: 379-380.) Vouchers at:CAS, CSUC, DAV, F, GH, HSC, JEPS, LA, RSA, SD
Magney, D., 1986
A flora of Dry Lakes Ridge, Ventura County, California., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Publ. No. 5 (110 pp.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Maihle, N. and W. H. Blackwell, 1978
A synopsis of North American Corispermum (Chenopodiaceae)., Sida (7: 382-391.) Vouchers at:UC
Major, Jack, 1963
Checklist of vascular plants in Yolo, Sacramento, Solano, and Napa counties, California., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of California, Davis. (54 pp.) Vouchers at:DAV
Manning, S., D. Pritchett, and M. Bagley, 1995
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (42: 515-516.) Vouchers at:UC?
Mason, C. T., 1990
A new Gentiana (Gentianaceae) from northern California and southern Oregon., Madrono (37: 289-292.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, DS, UC
Mason, H., 1957
A flora of the marshes of California., Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. (878 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Mastrogiuseppe, R. and J. Mastrogiuseppe, 1980
A study of Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf. (Pinaceae)., Systematic Botany (5: 86-104.) Vouchers at:HSC, WS
Mathew, K. and P. H. Raven, 1962
A new species of Cryptantha (section Circumscissae) from California and two recombinations (section Circumscissae and section Angustifoliae)., Madrono (16: 168-171.) Vouchers at:RSA
Mathias, M. and L. Constance, 1977
Two new local Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) from California., Madrono (24: 78-83.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, UC
Mayer, M. and P. Soltis, 1994
The evolution of serpentine endemics: a chloroplast DNA phylogeny of the Streptanthus glandulosus complex (Cruciferae)., Systematic Botany (19: 557-574.) Vouchers at:not cited
McArthur, E. D. and S. C. Sanderson, 1985
A cytotaxonomic contribution to the western North American Rosaceous flora., Madrono (32: 24-28.) Vouchers at:SSLP
McBride, J., T. Hill, R. Milliken, and N. Laven, 1975
A checklist of the vascular plants of the montane coniferous forest in the San Bernardino Mountains, California., Dept. of Forestry and Conservation, Univ. of California, Berkeley. (45 pp.) Vouchers at:UC?
McCabe, S. W., 1997
Dudleya gnoma (Crassulaceae): a new, rare species from Santa Rosa Island., Madrono (44: 48-58.) Vouchers at:CAS, SBBG, UC
McClintock, E. and W. Knight, 1968
A flora of the San Bruno Mountains, San Mateo County, California., Proceedings, California Acad. of Sciences (32: 587-677.) Vouchers at:CAS
McKelvey, S. D., 1938
Yuccas of the southwestern United States 1. 150 pp., Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University (Pt 1. 150 pp.) Vouchers at:GH
McKelvey, S. D., 1947
Yuccas of the southwestern United States 2. 192 pp., Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University (Pt 2. 192 pp.) Vouchers at:GH
McLaughlin, S. P., J. E. Bowers, and K. Hall, 1987
Vascular plants of eastern Imperial County, California., Madrono (34: 359-378.) Vouchers at:ARIZ
McNeal, D., 1992
A revision of the Allium fimbriatum (Alliaceae) complex., Aliso (13: 411-426.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
McNeal, D., 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 149-150.) Vouchers at:CPH
McNeal, D., 1987
Allium shevockii (Alliaceae), a new species from the crest of the southern Sierra Nevada, California., Madrono (34: 150-154.) Vouchers at:CAS, CPH, MO, NY, RSA, US
McNeal, D., 1991
The distribution of leaf morphs in Allium cratericola Eastw., Madrono (38: 57-59.) Vouchers at:CPH, DAV, WS
McNeal, D., 1992
A reappraisal of Allium cristatum (Alliaceae) and its allies., Madrono (39: 83-89.) Vouchers at:CAS, CPH, DAV, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
McNeal, D. and M. Ownbey, 1977
Status of Allium serratum (Liliaceae) and description of a new species., Madrono (24: 24-29.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, WS
McNeal, D. and M. Ownbey, 1982
Taxonomy of the Allium lacunosum complex (Liliaceae)., Madrono (29:79-86.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC, WS
Meinke, R. J. and P. F. Zika, 1992
A new annual species of Minuartia (Caryophyllaceae) from Oregon and California., Madrono (39: 288-300.) Vouchers at:AHUC, CAS, DS, HSA, RSA, SBBG, SD, UC
Meinke, R. J., T. N. Kaye, 1992
Taxonomic assessment of Astragalus tegetarioides (Fabaceae) and a new related species from northern California., Madrono (39: 193-204.) Vouchers at:CAS, MO, UC,
Mertens, T. R. and P. H. Raven, 1965
Taxonomy of Polygonum, section Polygonum (Avicularia) in North America., Madrono (18: 85-92.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Mesler, M. and K. Lu, 1990
The status of Asarum marmoratum (Aristolochiaceae)., Brittonia (42: 33-37.) Vouchers at:HSC, OSC, WS, WTU
Mesler, M. R., R. J. Cole, and P. Wilson, 1991
Natural hybridization in western gooseberries (Ribes subgenus Grossularia: Grosullariaceae)., Madrono (38: 115-129.) Vouchers at:HSC, ORE, OSC, WTU
Meyer, D. J. Lionakis, 1986
Grasses of Placer County, California., Master's thesis, California State Univ., Sacramento. (201 pp.) Vouchers at:SAC
Mia, M. M. and R. K. Vickery, 1968
Chromosome counts in section Simiolus of the genus Mimulus (Scrophulariaceae). VIII. Chromosomal homologies of M. glabratus and its allied species and varieties., Madrono (19: 250-256.) Vouchers at:UT
Miller, J. M., 1976
Variation in populations of Claytonia perfoliata (Portulacaceae)., Systematic Botany (1: 20-34.) Vouchers at:OSC
Miller, J. M., 1978
Phenotypic variation, distribution and relationships of diploid and tetraploid populations of the Claytonia perfoliata complex (Portulacaceae)., Systematic Botany (3: 322-341.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, OSC, SD
Miller, J. M. and K. L. Chambers, 1977
Chromosome numbers and relationships of Claytonia saxosa and C. arenicola (Portulacaceae)., Madrono (24: 62-63.) Vouchers at:OSC
Miller, J. M. and K. L. Chambers, 1993
Nomenclatural changes and new taxa in Claytonia (Portulacaceae) in western North America., Novon (3: 268-273.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, NY, RSA, SD, US
Miller, J. M., K. L. Chambers, and C. E. Fellows, 1984
Cytogeographic patterns and relationships in the Claytonia sibirica complex (Portulacaceae)., Systematic Botany (9: 266-271.) Vouchers at:HSC, OSC
Milligan, M., 1968
Transect flora of the Eagle Peak region, Warner Mountains., Master's thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (187 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
Moe, L. M., 1995
A key to vascular plant species of Kern County, California., CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento (225 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, OBI, SBBG
Mooring, J. S., 1991
A biosystematic study of Eriophyllum congdonii and E. nubigenum (Compositae, Helenieae)., Madrono (38: 213-226.) Vouchers at:not cited
Mooring, J. S., 1992
Chromosome numbers and geographic distribution in Chaenactus douglasii (Compositae, Helenieae)., Madrono (39: 263-270.) Vouchers at:SACL
Mooring, J. S., 1966
Chromosome numbers in the Eriophyllum lanatum (Compositae, Helenieae) complex., Madrono (18: 236-239.) Vouchers at:SACL
Mooring, J. S., 1986
Chromosome counts in Eriophyllum (Compositae: Helenieae)., Madrono (33: 186-188.) Vouchers at:SACL
Moran, R., 1949
Dudleya stolonifera, a new species from Orange County, California., Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences (XLVIII: 105-114.) Vouchers at:UC
Moran, R., 1943e
Dudleya pulverulenta (Nutt.) Br. & R., Desert Plant Life (15: 68-74.) Vouchers at:CAS, SBM, UC
Moran, R., 1948
Dudleya parva, Rose & Davidson., Desert Plant Life (20: 137-140.) Vouchers at:US, NY, UC
Moran, R., 1957
Innovations in Dudleya., Madrono (14: 106-108.) Vouchers at:UC
Moran, R., 1995
The subspecies of Dudleya virens (Crassulaceae)., Haseltonia (3: 1-8.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA, SBBG, UC
Moran, R., 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 49.) Vouchers at:SD
Moran, R., 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 143.) Vouchers at:SD
Moran, R., 1943a
A revision of Dudleya subgenus Stylophyllum., Desert Plant Life (15: 9-14.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Moran, R., 1943b
A revision of Dudleya subgenus Stylophyllum III., Desert Plant Life (15: 24-28.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Moran, R., 1943c
A revision of Dudleya subgenus Stylophyllum IV., Desert Plant Life (15: 40-45.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Moran, R., 1943d
A revision of Dudleya subgenus Stylophyllum V., Desert Plant Life (15: 56-60.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Morefield, J., 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 279.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, BRY, RM
Morefield, J. and D. W. Taylor, 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 164-166.) Vouchers at:JEPS, NY, POM, RENO, RSA, UC, UCR
Morefield, J. D., 1985
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (32: 122-123.) Vouchers at:DHA, MICH, RSA
Morefield, J. D., 1992a
Three new species of Stylocline (Asteraceae: Inuleae) from California and the Mojave Desert., Madrono (39: 114-130.) Vouchers at:ASU, CAS, DS, JEPS, UC, UNLV
Morefield, J. D., 1992b
Notes on the status of Psilocarphus berteri (Asteraceae: Inuleae)., Madrono (39: 155-157.) Vouchers at:BM, K, US
Morefield, J. D. and D. W. Taylor, 1990
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (37: 64-65.) Vouchers at:GH, RSA, UC
Morefield, J., D. W. Taylor, and A. Pinzl, 1989
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains VI., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (8(2): 5-6.) Vouchers at:RSA
Morefield, J., D. W. Taylor, and M. Dedecker, 1987b
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains V., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (6(6): 4-5) Vouchers at:RSA
Morefield, J., D. W. Taylor, A. Pinzl, and T. Spira, 1987a
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains IV., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (6(2): 3-6.) Vouchers at:RSA, NY
Morefield, J., D. W. Taylor, M. DeDecker, and A. Pinzl, 1986
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains III., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (5(2): 2-4) Vouchers at:RSA
Morefield, J., T. Spira, A. Pinzl, M. DeDecker, and D. W. Taylor, 1983
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains II., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (2(6): 4-6.) Vouchers at:JEPS, RSA, UC
Morin, N., 1980
Systematics of the annual California Campanlas (Campanulaceae)., Madrono (27: 149-163.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, SBBG, UC, UCSB
Morin, N., 1983
Systematics of Githopsis (Campanulaceae)., Systematic Botany (8: 436-468.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, DS, HSC, JEPS, OBI, POM, RSA, UC
Mosquin, T., 1970
Chromosome numbers and a proposal for classification of Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae)., Madrono (20: 269-275) Vouchers at:COLO, DAO, DS
Mulligan, G. and D. Munro, 1989
Taxonomy of species of North American Stachys (Labiatae) found north of Mexico., Naturaliste Canadien (116: 35-51.) Vouchers at:DAO, GH, JEPS, NY, UC
Munz, P. A., 1960
California miscellany V., Aliso (4: 503-504.) Vouchers at:RSA, UC
Munz, P. A., 1949
California miscellany I., Aliso (2: 77-86.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA
Munz, P. A., 1958
California miscellany IV, Aliso (4: 87-100.) Vouchers at:RSA
Munz, P. A., 1963
California miscellany VI, Aliso (5: 353-355.) Vouchers at:RSA
Munz, P. A. and J. C. Roos, 1955
California miscellany III, Aliso (3: 111-129.) Vouchers at:POM, RSA
Munz, P. A. and J. D. Laudermilk, 1949
A neglected character in western ashes (Fraxinus)., Aliso (2: 49-62.) Vouchers at:POM, RSA
Munz, P. A. and J. Roos, 1950
California miscellany II., Aliso (2: 217-238.) Vouchers at:POM, RSA, UC
Nakai, K., 1983
Is Dudleya parva (Crassulaceae) truly in San Luis Obispo County?, Madrono (30: 191.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, LA, SD, UC
Nakai, K., 1987
Some new and reconsidered California Dudleya (Crassulaceae)., Madrono (34: 334-353.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LA, RSA, SBBG, SD, UC
Neisess, K., 1978
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (25: 232.) Vouchers at:OBI, US
Neisess, K., 1985
Notes on the Salvia leucophylla complex (Lamiaceae) of California and Baja California del Norte., Madrono (32: 273-275) Vouchers at:DAV, OBI, RSA, UCR, SD
Nelson, D. R. and S. L. Welsh, 1993
Taxonomic revision of Arctomecon Torr. & Frem., Rhodora (95: 197-213.) Vouchers at:BRY
Nelson, T. W. and R. Patterson, 1985
A new subspecies of perennial Linanthus (Polemoniaceae) from the Klamath Mountains, California., Madrono (32: 102-105.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, HSC, JEPS, RSA, SFSU
Nelson, T., 1979
A flora of the Lassics, Humboldt and Trinity counties, California., Master's thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (127 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
Nelson, T. and J. P. Nelson, 1982
Noteworthy collections., Madrono (29: 58.) Vouchers at:HSC, NY
Nelson, T. and J. P. Nelson, 1985
A new Madia of sect. Anisocarpus (Compositae: Heliantheae) from Trinity County, California., Brittonia (37: 394-396.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC, JEPS
Nelson, T. and J. P. Nelson, 1991
Minuartia stolonifera (Caryophyllaceae): a new species from the serpentine of Scott Mountain, Siskiyou County, California., Brittonia (43: 17-19.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC
Nickrent, D. L. and D. Wiens, 1989
Genetic diversity in the rare California shrub Dedeckera eurekensis (Polygonaceae)., Systematic Botany (14: 245-253.) Vouchers at:not cited
Niehaus, T., 1966
A new species of Brodiaea from San Clemente Island, California., Madrono (18: 233-235.) Vouchers at:UC
Niehaus, T. F., 1971
A biosystematic study of the genus Brodiaea (Amaryllidaceae)., Univ. of California Publ. Botany (60: 1-66.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SBBG, UC
Nixon, K. and C. H. Muller, 1994
New names in California oaks., Novon (4: 391-393.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CHM-BH, DAV, UC, UC
Nixon, K. and K. Steele, 1981
A new species of Quercus (Fagaceae) from southern California., Madrono (28: 210-219.) Vouchers at:DAV, RSA, SD, UC, UCSB
Novak, P. and K. Strohm, 1981
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (28: 86-87.) Vouchers at:UC
Olmstead, R., 1990
Systematics of the Scutellaria angustifolia complex (Labiatae)., Contributions, Univ. of Michigan Herbarium (17: 223-265.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, JEPS, LA, MICH, MO, NY, OSC, SD, UC,
Olson, D. L., 1968
A range extension for the rare Santa Lucia Fir., Four Seasons (2(4): 18-20.) Vouchers at:not cited
Ornduff, R., 1966
A biosystematic survey of the Goldfield genus Lasthenia., Univ. Calif. Publ. Botany (40: 1-92.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC, POM, RSA
Ornduff, R., 1961
The Farallon flora., Leaflets of Western Botany (9: 139-142.) Vouchers at:not cited
Ornduff, R., 1971
Systematic studies of Limnanthaceae., Madrono (21: 103-111.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Ornduff, R., 1976
The reproductive system of Amsinckia grandiflora, a distylous species., Systematic Botany (1: 57-66.) Vouchers at:UC
Ornduff, R. and M. Vasey, 1995
The vegetation and floraof the Marin Islands, California., Madrono (42: 358-365.) Vouchers at:UC?
Orr, B., 1981
A flora of Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve. Part 2. Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. Herbarium Publ. No. 1 (pp. 59-97.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Oswald, V., 1994
Manual of the vascular plants of Butte County, California., CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento (348 pp.) Vouchers at:CHSC
Oswald, V., 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 150.) Vouchers at:CHSC, CAS
Oswald, V. and J. Silveira, 1995
A flora of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, US Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (33 pp.) Vouchers at:CHSC?
Oswald, V., D. Showers, and M. A. Showers, 1995
A flora of Lassen Volcanic National Park, California., CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento (216 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DS
Palmer, R., B. L. Corbin, R. Woodward, and M. Barbour, 1983
Floristic checklist for the headwaters basin area of the North Fork of the American River, Placer County, California., Madrono (30 (Supplement): 52-66.) Vouchers at:UNLV, WS
Patterson, R., 1977
A revision of Linanthus sect. Siphonella (Polemoniaceae)., Madrono (24: 36-48.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UCSB
Patterson, R., 1979
Chromosome numbers in annual Linanthus species., Madrono (26: 96-100.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Patterson, R., 1989
Taxonomic relationships of Gilia maculata (Polemoniaceae)., Madrono (36: 15-27.) Vouchers at:CAS
Patterson, R. and B. Tanowitz, 1989
Evolutionary and geographic trends in adaptive wood anatomy in Eriastrum densifolium (Polemoniaceae)., American Journal of Botany (76: 706-713.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Peirson, F., 1938
Plants of the Rock Creek Lake Basin, Inyo County, California. A checklist., Frank Peirson, Los Angeles, CA. (16 pp.) Vouchers at:RSA, POM
Peirson, F., 1942
Plants of the Rock Creek Lake Basin, Inyo County, California. Addenda., Frank Peirson, Los Angeles, CA. (3 pp.) Vouchers at:RSA, POM
Penalosa, J., 1963
A flora of the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin County, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (21: 1-74.) Vouchers at:CAS
Peterson, Paul, 1986
A flora of the Cottonwood Mountains, Death Valley National Monument, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (44: 73-126.) Vouchers at:CAS, DVNM, JEPS, RSA, POM, UC, UNLV
Peterson, P. and C. R. Annable, 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 79.) Vouchers at:UCSB, UNLV, UTC
Peterson, P. and C. R. Annable, 1988
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (35: 353-359.) Vouchers at:NY, RSA, UNLV, WS
Peterson, P. and C. R. Annable, 1991
Systematics of the annual species of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae-Eragrostideae)., Systematic Botany Monographs (31: 1-109.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Philbrick, R., 1972
The plants of Santa Barbara Island., Madrono (21: 329-393.) Vouchers at:SBBG
Pilz, George, 1978
Systematics of Mirabilis subgenus Quamoclidion (Nyctaginaceae)., Madrono (25: 113-176.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Pinkava, D. J. , B. D. Parfitt, M. A. Baker, and R. D. Worthington, 1992
Chromosome numbers in some cacti of western North America - VI., with nomenclatural changes., Madrono (39: 98-113.) Vouchers at:ASU
Porter, D. M., 1972
Geranium potentilloides in California., Madrono (21: 449.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, MO
Powell, A. M. and S. Powell, 1978
Chromosome numbers in Asteraceae., Madrono (25: 160-169.) Vouchers at:SRSC, TEX
Preston, R., 1997
Dittrichia graveolens, new to the California flora., Madrono (44: 200-203) Vouchers at:DAV, SJSU, UC
Preston, R., 1988
Notes., Madrono (35: 162-163.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS, HSC, JEPS, UC, UCSB
Preston, R. E., 1994
Pollination biology of Streptanthus tortuosus (Brassicaceae)., Madrono (41: 138-147.) Vouchers at:DAV
Price, R. and R. Rollins, 1991
New taxa of Draba (Cruciferae) from California, Nevada, and Colorado., Harvard Papers in Botany (3: 71-77.) Vouchers at:UC
Pritchett, D. W., 1994
The habitat and distribution of Polemonium chartaceum (Polemoniaceae) in the Klamath Range: a clarification., Madrono (41: 224-226.) Vouchers at:CAS, GH, UC, US
Quibell, C. F. and J. Strother, 1978
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (25: 231.) Vouchers at:CDA, NCC, RSA, UC
Rae, S. P., 1978
Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Scrophulariaceae), rediscovery of extinct record within Napa County, California., Madrono (25: 107.) Vouchers at:CAS
Raven, P. H., 1967
Calamagrostis rubescens on Santa Cruz Island, California., Madrono (19: 63) Vouchers at:SBBG, DS
Raven, P.H. and T.R.Mertens, 1965
Crocidium in San Luis Obispo County, California., Madrono (18: 32.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Raven, Peter, 1963
A flora of San Clemente Island, California., Aliso (5: 289-347.) Vouchers at:CAS, POM, RSA, SBBG
Raven, Peter, 1969
A revision of the genus Camissonia (Onagraceae)., Contributions, United States National Herbarium (37: 161-396.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LA, POM, RSA, SD
Raven, P. H., 1965
A note on the distribution of Saxifraga debilis in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 142.) Vouchers at:JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Raven, P. H. and J. H. Thomas, 1970
Iris pseudoacorus in western North America., Madrono (20: 390-391.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Raven, P.H., H. Thompson, and B. Prigge, 1986
Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains, California., Southern California Botanists. Special Publ. No. 2 (181 pp.) Vouchers at:UCLA, RSA
Ray, M., 1987
Soliva (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) in California., Madrono (34: 228-239.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Reeder, J. and R. Felger, 1989
The Aristida californica-glabrata complex (Gramineae)., Madrono (36: 187-197.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Reveal, J., 1981
Eriogonum libertini (Polygonaceae), a new species from northern California., Madrono (28: 163-166.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC, MARY
Reveal, J. and B. Ertter, 1980
The genus Nemacaulis Nutt. (Polygonaceae)., Madrono (27: 101-109.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, RSA, SD, UC
Reveal, J. and J. Henrickson, 1975
A new variety of Eriogonum ericifolium (Poleygonaceae)., Madrono (23: 205-209.) Vouchers at:US, CSLA, MARY, NY, RSA, SD, TEX, UC
Reveal, J. L., 1966
On the specific distinction of Eriogonum nutans and collinaum., Madrono (18: 167-173.) Vouchers at:CAS
Rice, B., 1968
The occurrence of Hemitomes congestum in the southern Sierra Nevada, California., Madrono (19: 234.) Vouchers at:DAV, UC
Rice, B., 1969
Plant checklist for Mineral King, California., Sequoia National Forest, US. Dept. of Agric., Porterville, CA. (26 pp.) Vouchers at:DAV?
Richards, D., 1985
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (32: 57.) Vouchers at:HSC
Riegel, G. M., D. A. Thornburgh, and J. O. Sawyer, 1990
Forest habitat types of the douth Warner Mountains, Modoc County, California., Madrono (37: 88-112.) Vouchers at:HSC
Rieseberg, L. H. and D. E. Soltis, 1987
Allozymic differentiation between Tolmiea menziesii and Tellima grandiflora (Saxifragaceae)., Systematic Botany (12: 154-161.) Vouchers at:WS
Riggins, R., 1983
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (30: 63.) Vouchers at:OBI, JEPS
Riggins, R., R. A. Pimental, and D. Walters, 1977
Morphometrics of Lupinus nanus (Leguminosae). I. Variation in natural populations., Systematic Botany (3: 317-326.) Vouchers at:OBI
Robbins, G. T., 1958
Notes on the genus Nemacladus., Aliso (4: 139-147.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Robbins, G. T., 1963
Maiden pink in California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 31.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS
Rogers, C. M., 1966
Sclerolinum, a new genus in the Linaceae., Madrono (18: 181-184.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC, US
Rollins, R. and R. Price, 1988
High-elevation Draba (Cruciferae) of the White Mountains of California and Nevada., Aliso (12: 17-27.) Vouchers at:GH, RSA, UC
Rollins, R.C., 1973a
Purple-flowered Arabis of the Pacific Coast of North America., Contributions, The Gray Herbarium (204: 149-154.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS,GH
Rollins, R.C., 1973b
A reconsideration of Thelypodium jaegeri., Contributions, The Gray Herbarium (204: 155-157..) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, RSA, UC
Rollins, R.C., 1979
Dithyrea and a related genus (Cruciferae). pp. 3-32., The Bussey Institution, Harvard University (pp. 3-32) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, GH, JEPS, RSA, UC
Rollins, Reed C., 1993
New taxa and names in the Cruciferae of California., Harvard Papers in Botany (4: 43-48.) Vouchers at:GH
Roof, J., 1975
An odd Ceanothus in Humboldt County, California., Four Seasons (4(3): 18-22.) Vouchers at:CAS
Roof, J. B., 1967a
Arctostaphylos montarensis, a new species of manzanita from San Mateo County, California., Four Seasons (2(3): 6-16.) Vouchers at:CAS
Roof, J. B., 1967b
A new Ceanothus from San Francisco, Four Seasons (2(3): 17-18.) Vouchers at:CAS
Roof, J. B., 1967c
From Carmel Highlands: a hitherto unnamed variety of Ceanothus., Four Seasons (2(3): 18-19.) Vouchers at:CAS
Roof, J. B., 1969
A new variety of Berberis nervosa from Mendocino County, California., Four Seasons (3(1): 7-10.) Vouchers at:CAS
Roof, J. B., 1978
Studies in Arctostaphylos (Ericaceae), Four Seasons (5(4): 2-24.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS
Ross, T. and S. Boyd, 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 432-436.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, RSA, LA
Ross, T. S., 1994
Galenia pubescens (Aizoaceae), new to the North American Flora., Madrono (41: 226-228.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, RSA, UCR, UCSB
Ross, T., S. Boyd, and S. Junak, 1997
Additions to the vascular flora of San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, California, with notes on clarifications and deletions., Aliso (15: 27-40.) Vouchers at:RSA, SBBG
Rossbach, G. B., 1958
New taxa and new combinations in the genus Erysimum in North America., Aliso (4: 115-124.) Vouchers at:DS
Rourke, M. D., R. Draper, and P. E. Pruett, 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 79-80.) Vouchers at:Bakersfield College
Rubtzoff, P., 1964b
Interesting records in Polypogon from California and Arizona., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 119-120.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Rubtzoff, P., 1966a
Notes on fresh-water marsh and aquatic plants in California V., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 265-269.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Rubtzoff, P., 1965
Notes on fresh-water marsh and aquatic plants in California IV., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 164-168.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Rubtzoff, P., 1964a
Notes on fresh-water marsh and aquatic plants in California III., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 68-73.) Vouchers at:CAS
Rubtzoff, P., 1966b
Notes on fresh-water marsh and aquatic plants in California VI., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 306-312.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Rundel, P. W., 1968
The southern limit of Taxus brevifolia in the Sierra Nevada, California, Madrono (19: 300) Vouchers at:DUKE
Rundel, P. W., 1972
An annotated check list of the groves of Sequoiadendron giganteum in the Sierra Nevada, California., Madrono (21: 319-328.) Vouchers at:not cited
Sanders, A., 1997a
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (44: 03-205) Vouchers at:DAV, RSA, UCR
Sanders, A., 1997b
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (44: 306-307) Vouchers at:UCR
Sanders, A., D. Banks, and S. Boyd, 1997
Rediscovery of Hemizonia mohavensis, Madrono (44: 197-203) Vouchers at:POM, RSA, UCR
Sanders, A. C., 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 523-532.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, RSA, UCR
Sauer, J. D., 1972
The dioecious Amaranths: a new species name and major range extensions., Madrono (21: 426-434.) Vouchers at:CAS, LA
Savage, W., 1973
Annotated check-list of vascular plants of Sagehen Creek Drainage Basin, Nevada County, California., Madrono (22: 115-139.) Vouchers at:Sagehen Ck Field Station
Sawyer, J. and E. Cope, 1982
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29:218.) Vouchers at:HSC
Sawyer, J. O. and D. A. Thornburgh, 1969
Ecological reconnaissance of relict conifers in the Klamath region, California., Pacific Southwest Range and Experiment Station, Berkeley, CA. (97 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
Sawyer, J. O., D. A. Thornburgh, and W. F. Bowman, 1970
Extension of the range of Abies lasiocarpa into California., Madrono (20: 413-415.) Vouchers at:HSC, JEPS
Schemske, D. and C. Goodwillie, 1996
Morphological and reproductive characteristics of Linanthus jepsonii (Polemoniaceae), a newly described, geographically restricted species from northern California., Madrono (43: 453-463.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA, SFSU, UC
Schierenbeck, K., 1989
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (36: 207.) Vouchers at:JEPS
Schierenbeck, K., G. L. Stebbins, and R. Patterson, 1992
Morphological and cytological evidence for polyphyletic allopolyploidy in Arctostaphylos mewukka (Ericaceae)., Plant Systematics and Evolution (179: 187-205.) Vouchers at:SFSU
Schilling, E. E., 1990
Taxonomic revision of Viguiera subg. Bahiopsis (Astyeraceae: Heliantheae)., Madrono (37: 149-170.) Vouchers at:DS, POM, RSA, SD, UC
Schlessman, M. A., 1984
Systematics of tuberous Lomatiums (Umbelliferae)., Systematic Botany Monographs (4: 1-55.) Vouchers at:DAV, CAS, UC, WTU
Schlessman, M. and L. Constance, 1979
Two new species tuberous Lomatiums (Umbelliferae)., Madrono (26: 37-43.) Vouchers at:DAV, UC
Schlising, R. and E. Sanders, 1983
Vascular plants of Richvale vernal pools, Butte County, California., Madrono (30: 19-30.) Vouchers at:CHSC
Schoolcraft, G., 1983
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (30: 129.) Vouchers at:UC
Schoolcraft, G. and A. Howard, 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 143-144.) Vouchers at:UC
Schoolcraft, G. and A. Tiehm, 1985
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (32: 123.) Vouchers at:NY
Schramm, D. R., 1982
Floristics and vegetation of the Black Mountains, Death Valley National Monument, California., Unpublished MS thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (167 pp.) Vouchers at:UNLV
Seavey, S., P. Wright, and P. H. Raven, 1977
A comparison of Epilobium minutum and E. foliosum (Onagraceae)., Madrono (24: 6-12.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LA, POM, RSA, UC
Semple, J. C., 1987
New names, combinations, and lectotypifications in Heterotheca (Compositae: Astereae)., Brittonia (39: 379-386.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Semple, J. C., 1988
Aster breweri: a new combination for a rayless Aster based on Chrysopsis breweri (Compositae: Astereae)., Systematic Botany (13: 538-546.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Semple, J. C., G. Ringius, C. Leeder, and G. Morton, 1984
Chromosome numbers of goldenrods, Euthamia and Solidago (Compositae: Astereae). II. Additional counts with comments on cytogeography., Brittonia (36: 280-292.) Vouchers at:WAT
Semple, J., J. Chmielewski, and M. Lane, 1989
Chromosome number determinations in Fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. III. Additional counts and comments on generic limits and ancestral base numbers., Rhodora (91: 296-314.) Vouchers at:WAT, TEX, COL
Semple, J., 1996
A revision of Heterotheca sect Phyllotheca (Nutt.) Harms (Compositae: Astereae): The prairie and montana goldenasters of North America., Univ. of Waterloo Biology Series (37: 1-164.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SD, UC
Sharsmith, C. W., 1958
A new species of Luzula and of Phlox from the high Sierra Nevada of California., Aliso (4: 125-129.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, UC
Sharsmith, H., 1945
Flora of the Mount Hamilton Range, California., American Midland Naturalist (34: 289-367.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, UC
Sheikh, M. Y., 1983
New taxa of western American Eryngium (Umbelliferae)., Madrono (30: 93-101.) Vouchers at:CAS, DH, JEPS, POM, UC
Sherman, H. L. and R. Becking, 1991
The generic distinctness of Schoenolirion and Hastingsia., Madrono (38: 130-138.) Vouchers at:CAS
Shevock, J., 1984
Redescription and distribution of Muilla coronata (Liliaceae)., Aliso (10: 621-627.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA, SBBG, UC
Shevock, J., 1978
Vascular flora of the Lloyd Meadows basin, Sequoia National Forest, Tulare County, California., Master's thesis, California State Univ., Long Beach. (195 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Shevock, J. and L. Constance, 1979
A new species of Oreonana, a genus of snow-adapted Umbelliferae., Madrono (26: 128-134.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, UC, RSA
Shevock, J. R., 1990
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (37: 62-64.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, RSA, UC
Shevock, J. R., J. A. Bartel, and G. A. Allen, 1990
Distribution, ecology, and taxonomy of Erythronium (Liliaceae) in the Sierra Nevada of California., Madrono (37: 261-273.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, RSA, UC
Shevock, J., B. Ertter, and D. Taylor, 1992
Neviusia cliftonii (Rosaceae: Kerrieae), an intriguing new relict species from California., Novon (2: 285-289.) Vouchers at:CAS, CHSC, DAV, JEPS, RSA, SD, SBBG, UC
Shevock, J., B. Ertter, and J. Jokerst, 1989
Monardella beneolens (Lamiaceae), a new species from the crest of the southern Sierra Nevada, California., Madrono (36: 271-279.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, RSA, UC, UCSB
Showers, D., 1978
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (25: 232.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, SFSU, UC
Showers, M. A., 1987
A systematic study of Silene suksdorfii, S. grayi, and S. sargentii (Caryophyllaceae)., Madrono (34: 29-40.) Vouchers at:CAS, SFSU, WTU
Simpson, M. G., S. McMillan, B. Stone, J. Gibson, and J. Rebman., 1996
Checklist of the vascular plants of San Diego County., Special Publ. No. 1, San Diego State University Press. (85 pp.) Vouchers at:SD, SDSU
Sinnott, Q. , K.Sinnott, and M. Stanton, 1979
An annotated list of the vascular plants of Sky Ranch, Alameda County, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (37: 1-17.) Vouchers at:CAS

Entries from the following source were removed from CalFlora in November, 2000. See news for details.
Skinner, M. and B. Pavlik, 1994
Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California., CA Native Plant Society, Sacramento (338 pp.) Vouchers at:not cited

Smith, A. R., 1974
Taxonomic and cytological notes of ferns from California and Arizona., Madrono (22: 376-378.) Vouchers at:UC
Smith, A. R., 1975
The California species of Aspidotis., Madrono (23: 15-24.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, UC
Smith, A. R., D. MacNeill, and C. Richard, 1993
Ferns of Lava Beds National Monument, Siskiyou County, California. , Madrono (40: 174-176.) Vouchers at:OAKL, UC
Smith, A. R., W. H. Wagner, and T. Duncan, 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 47-48.) Vouchers at:UC
Smith, C. F., 1966
Two Amaranths in Santa Barbara County, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 255.) Vouchers at:CAS, SBBG
Smith, C. F., 1976
A flora of the Santa Barbara region, California., Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, CA. (331 pp.) Vouchers at:SBBG
Smith, G., 1973
A flora of the Tahoe Basin and neighboring areas., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (31: 1-226.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Smith, G., 1983
Supplement to a flora of the Tahoe Basin and neighboring areas., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (41: 1-46.) Vouchers at:CAS, CDA, DAV, DS, JEPS, UNR
Smith, G., 1985
A new Phlox (Polemoniaceae) from California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (43: 43-45.) Vouchers at:CAS
Smith, G. and C. Wheeler, 1992
A flora of the vascular plants of Mendocino County, California., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (48/49: 1-387.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, HSC, JEPS, PUA, NCC, UC
Smith, J. P., and J. Sawyer, Jr., 1988
Endemic vascular plants of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon., Madrono (35: 54-69.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC, JEPS, OSU, UC
Smith, P., 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 48.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Smith, S. G. and P. Rubtzoff, 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 179.) Vouchers at:CAS
Solbrig, O., 1965
The California species of Gutierrezia (Compositae-Astereae)., Madrono (18: 75-84.) Vouchers at:GH
Soltis, D., 1984
Karyotypes and relationships of species of Jepsonia (Saxifragaceae)., Systematic Botany (9: 137-141.) Vouchers at:WS
Soltis, D., P. Soltis, and K. Bothel, 1990
Chloroplast DNA evidence for the origins of the monotypic Bensoniella and Conimitella (Saxifragaceae)., Systematic Botany (15: 349-362.) Vouchers at:WS
Soreng, R. J., 1991
Systematics of the "Epiles" group of Poa (Poaceae)., Systematic Botany (16: 507-528.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, OSC, UC
Sorrie, B., 1978
Corallorhiza trifida in California and Nevada., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (36: 199-200.) Vouchers at:CAS
Spellenberg, R., 1972
A record for the Klamath Mountains for the Sierran endemic, monotypic genus, Whitneya (Compositae)., Madrono (21: 449.) Vouchers at:NY
Spellenberg, R., 1975
Synthetic hybridization and taxonomy of western North American Dichanthelium, group Lanuginosa (Poaceae)., Madrono (23: 134-153.) Vouchers at:NMC WTU NY
Spencer, S. and J.M.Porter, 1997
Evolutionary diversification and adaptation to novel environments in Navarretia (Polemoniaceae)., Systematic Botany (22: 649-668) Vouchers at:POM, RSA
Spicher, D. and M. Josselyn, 1985
Spartina (Gramineae) in northern California: distribution and taxonomic notes., Madrono (32: 158-167.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Sprague, E. F., 1958
A new subspecies of Pedicularis densiflora., Aliso (4: 130.) Vouchers at:CAS, RSA
Sproul, F., 1979
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (26: 49.) Vouchers at:SD
Standley, Lisa, 1985
Systematics of the Acutae group of Carex (Cyperaceae) in the Pacific northwest., Systematic Botany Monographs (7: 1-106.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Steinmann, V. W. and R. S. Felger, 1995
New combinations for Euphorbia and Ditaxis (Euphorbiaceae) in northwestern Mexico and southwestern United States., Madrono (42: 455-457.) Vouchers at:POM, UC
Stevenson, D., 1975
Taxonomic and morphological observations on Botrychium multifidum (Ophioglossaceae)., Madrono (23: 198-204.) Vouchers at:DAV
Stillman, K., 1980
Meadow vegetation on metasedimentary and metavolcanic parent materials in the north central Marble Mountains, California., Master's thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (44 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
Stone, R. D., 1982
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29: 273-274.) Vouchers at:CAS, MARY, RSA
Strother, J. and G. Pilz, 1975
Taxonomy of Psatyrotes (Compositae: Senecioneae)., Madrono (23: 24-39.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Strother, J. and W. Ferlatte, 1988
Review of Erigeron eatonii and allied taxa (Compositae: Astereae)., Madrono (35: 77-91.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS, HSC, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Strother, J. L., 1978
Taxonomy and geography of Nicolletia (Compositae: Tageteae)., Sida (7: 369-374.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Stutz, H. C. and G. Chu, 1993
Atriplex persistens (Chenopodiaceae). A new species from California., Madrono (40: 209-213.) Vouchers at:CAS, BRY
Stutz, H. C., G. Chu, and S. C. Sanderson, 1993
Resurrection of the genus Endolepis and clarification of Atriplex phyllosetgia (Chenopodiaceae)., American Journal of Botany (80: 592-597.) Vouchers at:BRY, CAS, JEPS, RSA, UC
Stutz, H. C., G. Chu, and S. C. Sanderson, 1997
Atriplex erecticaulis (Chenopodiaceae): a new species from south-central California., Madrono (44: 89-94.) Vouchers at:BRY, CAS
Stutz. H. and G. Chu, 1997
Atriplex subtilis (Chenopodiaceae): a new species from south-central California., Madrono (44: 184-188.) Vouchers at:BRY, CAS, UC
Sugihara, N. G., Lois J. Reid, and J. M. Lenihan, 1987
Vegetation of the Bald Hills oak woodlands, Redwood National Park, California., Madrono (34: 193-208.) Vouchers at:Redwood National Park
Swanson, J. and W. Kelley, 1987
Claytonia palustris (Portulacaceae), a new species from California., Madrono (34: 155-161.) Vouchers at:CAS, CS, OSC, RSA, NY, SFV, UC
Tanowitz, B., 1977
An intersectional hybrid in Hemizonia (Compositae: Madiinae)., Madrono (24: 55-61.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Tanowitz, B., 1978
Hemizonia conjugens (Compositae): distribution, chromosome number, and relationships., Madrono (25: 159.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Tanowitz, B., 1985
Systematic studies in Hemizonia (Asteraceae: Madiinae): Hybridization of H. fasciculata with H. clementina and H. minthornii., Systematic Botany (10: 110-118.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Tanowitz, B. and J. Adams, 1986
Natural hybridization between Layia glandulosa and L. paniculata (Asteraceae: Madiinae)., Madrono (33: 244-252.) Vouchers at:UCSB
Tanowitz, B. and P. J. Gordon, 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 176-177.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LA, POM, RSA, UC, UCSB
Tanowitz, B. D., 1982
Taxonomy of Hemizonia sect. Madiomeris (Asteraceae: Madiinae)., Systematic Botany (7: 314-339.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OBI, POM, RSA, SBBG, LA, UCSB
Tatum, J., 1979
The vegetation and flora of Olancha Peak, southern Sierra Nevada, California., Master's thesis, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. (304 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, UCSB
Taylor, D. W., 1974
Checklist of the timberline flora of Carson Pass, California., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of California, Davis. (56 pp.) Vouchers at:DAV
Taylor, D. W., 1994
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (41: 148-149.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, RSA
Taylor, D. W. and G. L. Clifton, 1993
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (40: 66.) Vouchers at:PUA, SJSU, UC
Taylor, D. W. and G. Ledyard Stebbins, 1978
A new species of Eupatorium (Asteraceae) from California., Madrono (25: 218-220.) Vouchers at:DAV, UC
Taylor, D. W. and M. DeDecker, 1982
Additions to the flora of the White Mountains., Bristlecone Newsletter, CA Native Plant Society (1(4): 3-5.) Vouchers at:DAV?
Taylor, D. W., 1970
Ribes malvaceum in the foothills of Calaveras County, California., Madrono (20: 416.) Vouchers at:CAS
Taylor, M. and L. Ahart, 1983
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (30: 129-130.) Vouchers at:CHSC, CAS, NY
Thomas J.H., 1967
Terrestrial vascular plants of Ano Nuevo Island, San Mateo Co., California., Madrono (19: 95-96.) Vouchers at:DS
Thomas, J. H., 1975
Salsola soda L. (Chenopodiaceae) in central California., Madrono (23: 95.) Vouchers at:DS CAS DAO JEPS MO OCS RSA
Thomas, J. H., 1961
Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains of California., Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA. (434 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS
Thompson, D. M., 1988
Systematics of Antirrhinum (Scrophulariaceae) in the New World., Systematic Botany Monographs (22: 1-142.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, OBI, POM, RSA, SBBG, UC
Thorne, R., 1967
A flora of Santa Catalina Island, California., Aliso (6: 1-77.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, POM, RSA, US
Thorne, R., 1969
A supplement to the floras of Santa Catalina and San Clemente islands, Los Angeles County, California., Aliso (7: 73-83.) Vouchers at:RSA, SBBG, SD
Thorne, R., B. Prigge, and J. Henrickson, 1981
A flora of the higher ranges and the Kelso Dunes of the eastern Mojave Desert in California., Aliso (10: 71-186.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, CSLA, POM, RSA
Tiehm, A., 1985
A new species and a new combination in western North American Silene (Caryophyllaceae)., Brittonia (37: 344-346.) Vouchers at:DS, GH, NY
Timbrook, S., 1977
Biosystematic studies of Langloisia and Loeseliastrum., Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara. (243 pp.) Vouchers at:SBBG, UCSB
Tomb, A. ., 1972
Taxonomy of Chaetadelpha (Compositae: Cichorieae)., Madrono (21: 459-462.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, DS, UC
True, G. H., 1968
Notes on Sierra Nevada Calyptridium., Four Seasons (2(4): 10-11.) Vouchers at:CAS
True, G. H., 1973
The ferns and seed plants of Nevada County, California., Unpublished checklist, California Acad. of Sciences, San Francisco. (62 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Tucker, J. M., 1968
Identity of the oak tree at Live Oak Tanks, Joshua Tree National Monument, California., Madrono (19: 256-266.) Vouchers at:DAV
Tucker, J. M. and J. McCaskill, 1967
Heteranthera limosa in California., Madrono (19: 64.) Vouchers at:DAV
Tucker, J. M. and W. Knight, 1965
A record, hitherto unpublished, of the occurrence of Cercocarpus ledifolius in the North Coast Ranges of California., Four Seasons (1(2): 2.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, UC
Turner, B. L. and M. Morris, 1975
New taxa of Palafoxia (Asteraceae: Helenieae)., Madrono (23: 79-80.) Vouchers at:US ARIZ CAS DS F NY UC
Turner, C., 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 177.) Vouchers at:CDA, UC
Twisselmann, E. C., 1971
A preliminary checklist of the flowering plants of the Kern Plateau of the Sierra Nevada of California., Unpublished manuscript, CAS & SBBG (91 pp.) Vouchers at:CAS
Twisselmann, E. C., 1963a
The resurgence of Papaver apulum., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 19-21.) Vouchers at:CAS
Urbatsch, L., 1976
Systematics of the Ericameria cuneata complex (Compositae, Astereae)., Madrono (23: 338-345.) Vouchers at:CAS, DAV, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, SD, UC, UCSB
Van Der Werff, H., 1982
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (29: 272-273.) Vouchers at:CAS, LA, SD
Vasek, F. C., 1977
Phenotypic variation and adaptation in Clarkia sect. Phaeostoma., Systematic Botany (3: 251-279.) Vouchers at:RSA
Vasey, M., 1985
The specific status of Lasthenia maritima (Asteraceae), an endemic of seabird-breeding habitats., Madrono (32: 131-142.) Vouchers at:CAS, HSC, SFSU
Vickery, R.., B.-K. Kang, T. Mac, S. Pack, and D. Phillips, 1986
Chromosome counts in Mimulus sect. Erythranthe (Scrophulariaceae). II., Madrono (33: 264-270.) Vouchers at:UT
Vincent, K., 1989
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (36: 53.) Vouchers at:NY
Vincent, M., 1997
Noteworthy Collections, Madrono (44: 305-306) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
Vogelmann, J. E., 1985
Crossing relationships among North American and Eastern Asian populations of Agastache sect. Agastache (Labiatae)., Systematic Botany (10: 445-452.) Vouchers at:IND
von Bothmer, R., N. Jacobsen, R. Jorgensen, and E. Nicora, 1982
Revision of the Hordeum pusillum group., Nordic Journal of Botany (2: 307-321.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Wagener, W. W. and C. R. Quick, 1963
Cupressus bakeri - an extension of the known botanical range., Aliso (5: 351-352.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, UC, RSA
Wagner, W. H., Jr., A. R. Smith, and T. Pray, 1983
A cliff brake hybrid, Pellaea bridgesii x mucronata, and its systematic significance., Madrono (30: 69-83.) Vouchers at:MICH, UC, USC
Wallace, G. D., 1975
Studies of the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae): taxonomy and distribution., The Wasmann Journal of Biology (33: 1-88.) Vouchers at:not cited
Waterway, M. J., 1996
Genetic variation in the endemic California sedge Carex hirtissima (Cyperaceae)., Madrono (43: 1-14.) Vouchers at:MTMG
Weiler, J., 1966a
New records and observations of Crocidium., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 251-252.) Vouchers at:CAS, FSC, JEPS, RSA, UC
Weiler, J., 1966b
Plant records in central California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 301-306.) Vouchers at:FSC
Weiler, J., 1970
Records amd observations on a rare plant, Oxalis laxa in California., Madrono (20: 349.) Vouchers at:FSC
Wells, M. P., 1986
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (33: 308-309.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Wells, P. V., 1968
New Taxa, combinations, and chromosome numbers in Arctostaphylos (Ericaceae), Madrono (19: 193-210.) Vouchers at:KANU
Wells, P. V., 1988a
Two new manzanitas from the North Coast Range, California., Four Seasons (8(1): 50-51.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Wells, P. V., 1988b
The Sonoma complex in Arctostaphylos, including a new sepentine Manzanita., Four Seasons (8(2): 58-68.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Wells, P. V., 1988c
An undescribed species of Arctostaphylos from the Mendocino Plains., Four Seasons (8(3): 25-35.) Vouchers at:CAS
Wells, P. V., 1992a
Four new species of Arctostaphylos from southern California and Baja California., Four Seasons (9(2): 44-53.) Vouchers at:CAS
Wells, P. V., 1992b
New infraspecific taxa and combinations in Arctostaphylos., Four Seasons (9(2): 60-63.) Vouchers at:CAS
Wells, P. V., 1965
A misplaced manzanita from the Santa Lucia Range, California., Leaflets of Western Botany (10: 176-178.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, UC
Wetzel, C., 1972
The significance of Niles Canyon in the phytogeography of the Coast Ranges in central California., Madrono (21: 177-264) Vouchers at:DS
Whalen, M. A., 1987
Systematics of Frakenia (Frankeniaceae) in North and South America., Systematic Botany Monographs (17: 1-93.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, LL, POM, RSA, UC
Whalen, M. A., 1977
Taxonomy of Bebbia (Compositae: Heliantheae)., Madrono (24: 112-123.) Vouchers at:CAS, UC
Whipple, J., 1981
A flora of Mount Eddy, Klamath Mountains, California., Master's thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (206 pp.) Vouchers at:HSC
White, S. D, A. C. Sanders, and M. D. Wilcox, 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 334-336.) Vouchers at:RSA, UCR,
White, S. D., 1995
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (42: 516.) Vouchers at:UCR
White, S. D. and A. C. Sanders, 1997
Clarification of three Camissonia subspecies' distributions in California., Madrono (44: 106-112.) Vouchers at:RSA, UCR
Whitmore, S. A. and A. R. Smith, 1991
Recognition of the tetraploid Polypodium calirhiza (Polypodiaceae), in western North America., Madrono (38: 233-248.) Vouchers at:CAS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Whitney, K. D., 1996
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (43: 336-337.) Vouchers at:RSA, UCR,
Whittemore, A. T., 1994
New names in North American Myosurus (Ranunculaceae)., Novon (4: 77-79.) Vouchers at:CAS
Wilken, D. H., 1975
Collomia tinctoria (Polemoniaceae) in southern California., Madrono (23: 100.) Vouchers at:SBBG RSA
Wilken, D. H., 1977
A new subspecies of Hulsea vestita (Asteraceae)., Madrono (24: 48-55.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA
Willoughby, J., 1981
A flora of the Vaca Mountains, California., Master's thesis, California State Univ., Sacramento. (238 pp.) Vouchers at:JEPS, SAC, UC
Wilson, C. A., A. Levinson, and R. Peterson, 1990
An investigation into the status of Iris thompsonii (Iridaceae)., Madrono (37: 113-123.) Vouchers at:not cited
Wolf, C. B., 1948
The New World Cypresses. Part 1. Taxonomic and distributional studies of the New World Cypresses., Aliso (1: 1-250.) Vouchers at:CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Wolf, S. and K. Denford, 1984
Arnica gracilis (Compositae), a natural hybrid between A. latifolia and A. cordifolia., Systematic Botany (9: 12-16.) Vouchers at:ALTA
Woodland, D. W., I. J. Bassett, and C. W. Crompton, 1976
The annual species of stinging nettle (Hesperocnide and Urtica) in North America., Canadian Journal of Botany (54: 374-383.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, DS, JEPS, POM, RSA, UC
Wright, D., 1980
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (27: 145.) Vouchers at:JEPS, UC
Wunner, R., 1970
A flora of Lava Beds National Monument., Master's thesis, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, CA. (102 pp.) Vouchers at:DS, HSC, RSA
Yatskievych, G. and C. T. Mason, Jr., 1986
A revision of the Lennoaceae., Systematic Botany (11: 531-548.) Vouchers at:ARIZ, CAS, DS, LAM, RSA, SD, UC
Zedler, P. , V. Moran, T. Rilling, and G. Levin, 1987
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (34: 381.) Vouchers at:SD
Zika, P. F., 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 310.) Vouchers at:OSC
Zippin, D. B., 1992
Noteworthy Collections., Madrono (39: 157.) Vouchers at:RSA, SD
CalFlora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation. [web application]. 2000. Berkeley, California: The CalFlora Database [a non-profit organization]. Available:
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