logo Calflora Work Session Entry  HELP
Updated December 28, 2021

With the Work Session Entry application you can view, enter or edit work session records for a group. It can be used as a timesheet, to track how much work was done, by whom, and on which projects.

Role, Crew, and Activity Data

Before using Work Session Entry, you may need to define the roles, crews and activities for your group using the Group Options application.

Note that a crew record can describe a single person (e.g. a member of the group's staff), a contractor, or a volunteer group.

Ways of Using the Application

1. Many Activities, one Person, one Day, one Project

In the data entry session below, the person entering is adding one record to describe each activity that a single crew member did on November 2. All of the records are tied to the Weed Test Project project.

As shown, the person entering has already added records showing the number of hours spent doing treatment and other, and is just about to add a third record showing six hours spent doing data collection.

2. Many People, one Activity, one Day, one Project

In the data entry session below, the person entering is adding one record to describe each person who did data collection for a single project (Knowland Park Survey) on a single day.
As shown, the person entering has already added records for four people (showing the number of hours each of them spent on the job), and is just about to add a record for a fifth person.

Note that the default value for # People is one, which is appropriate if the chosen value of Crew is an individual. If the chosen value of Crew is a contractor or a volunteer group, however, the value of # People might be more than one.

You can also use this application to search for existing work session records, by choosing Project or entering a date into On Date in the gray area at the top of the page.

You can also search for records that fall within a span of dates, or records for a particular value of Crew.

When results are displayed, the total # Hours for all matching records is shown at the bottom of the table.


• October, 2018:   v. 1.00. This version is much simplified from earlier versions. You do not see Billing Code or Fixed Price unless you are in one of the groups that uses these attributes.

• June, 2015:   v. 0.55. There is a BATCH EDITOR under TOOLS, which works similarly to the one in My Observations. To use it, first do a search. Then open the editor. You can change Project, Activity, Crew or Billing Code for all matching records.

• May, 2015:   v. 0.54. There is a new Fixed Price field, which contains the price of a certain scope of work done by a contractor.

    To utilize this field, open Group Options / ROLES, and set the Billing Method of the Contractor role to be fixed price. Then when you choose a contractor when adding a record in this application, the Fixed Price field will appear.

• May, 2015:   v. 0.51. There is a new Reference field, which contains the number of an observation record. (In the table of results, click on Reference to see the observation record.)

    Certain groups have a Person Hours field in their entry form, and a session record is generated whenever a new observation/treatment record is entered containing a value for Person Hours. The generated session record contains the number of the corresponding observation/treatment record.

• February, 2015:   v. 0.48. There is a new Billing Code field, which can be used to keep track of funders, when there are multiple funders for a project.

• December, 2014:   v. 0.44 released.