logo Calflora Group Reports Help
Updated September 12, 2021
With the Group Reports application you can run reports on the data collected by your group. If you have any questions about this application, please contact Calflora support.

Search Criteria

Group and Projects Select at least one of your groups. You can choose specific projects within each selected group. If no project is selected for a group, all projects are included.
Report Choose which report you want to run.
Start Month Choose a start month. If you want all months in the year, select "all months".
End Month Choose an end month. If the start month is June and the end month is July, results will include all records with an observation date in June or July.
Year Enter the year. If this field is blank results will include all records regardless of observation date.
Plant List Choose one of your plant lists to limit selection to the plants on the list.
Scientific Name Enter a scientific name to include just that plant.
Common Name Enter part of a common name, and choose a plant from the drop down, to include just that plant.
Region Enter the exact name of a region to include just observations found in that region.
Format Choose either PDF, Excel, or CSV.

Specific Reports

1. Observation Count by Region and Plant

This is the simplest report, but also the most useful for data quality control purposes. This report shows how many records there are for each plant in each region. The results look like this:

The name of the region (O'Neill Regional Park) is on the left side. The name of each plant found in the region is a link. Click on the plant name link to go to a Multiple Group Search search with all of the criteria of the report (groups, projects, region, plant list, start and end date) as well as the plant name.

Quality Control
You can use this report to check the quality of the data your group is collecting. For instance, if all of the records in a particular project are supposed to be in a partciular region, and if some of them are not actually in that region, this report will show the discrepancy.

To fix a problem like that, you can click through to Multiple Group Search and use the Batch Edit facility, or use Plant Observation Entry to fix the records one by one.

2A. Patch Count by Group, Region and Plant

Patch is also known as population. Inside of the Weed Manager system, the history of a patch is described by a history stack (many observations of the same plant, at more or less the same location, over time).

Note that for reports that concern patch counts, the date criteria (month and year) are not available. This is so that the root record of each stack will be included, no matter how old it is.

This report shows how many patches there are for each plant, categorized by group and region. The results look like this:

The name of the group (Marin County Parks data pro) is on the left side. The name of the region (BALTIMORE CANYON) is on the left side. The name of each plant found in the region is a link. Click on the plant name link to go to a Multiple Group Search search with all of the criteria of the report (groups, projects, region, plant list) as well as the plant name.

The results appear in Multiple Group Search in stack order, where you can see all of the observations that make up each stack.

The Gross Acres and Number of Plants columns show the sum of those values for the most recent record in each stack.

2B. Patch Count by Region and Plant

This report shows how many patches there are for each plant categorized by region, no matter which group they are from. The results look like this:

2C. Patch Count by Plant

This report shows how many patches there are for each plant, no matter which group they are from or in which region they are found. The results look like this:

3. Patch Summary by Plant and Region

This report shows a summary of each patch meeting the criteria. The results look like this:

The name of the plant (Rubus armeniacus) is on the left side. The name of the region (ALTO BOWL) is on the left side. Patch ID is a link; click on it to see the observation records in Plant Observation Entry.

Note that in the example above, the third patch, mg40621, consists of a single observation record. In other words, this patch has only been visited once.

For each patch, the values of Gross Acres and Number of Plants come from the most recent record.


• September, 2021:   v. 0.76

• July, 2019:   v. 0.74