The park was dedicated by John McLaren in 1927. In the years after (as was the fashion at the time) Boy Scouts and WPA workers planted Monterey Cypress, Monterey Pine, Blue Gum Eucalyptus and other “exotic” trees around the park, which make up most of the forested areas we see today.
About McLaren Park John McLaren Park is also home to the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, McNab Lake, views of the Bay and the Bay Bridge, and endless native plants and wildlife – from eucalyptus and pine trees to the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly. The park provides both vibrant play spaces and isolated hideaways ...
Ordinary Philosophy:
Philosopher’s Way at John McLaren Park Incorporated into existing trail systems of McLaren Park, Philosopher's Way is a 2.7 mile loop around the park's perimeter and includes places to rest and view the landscape.
Friends of McLaren Park:
Plants and Flowers McLaren Park was once coastal scrub, very similar to the natural environment on San Bruno Mountain a few miles south. ... Most of San Francisco's remaining coastal prairies grow from a thin layer of soil atop radiolarian chert bedrock. Twin Peaks, Mount Davidson, Glen Canyon, McLaren Park, and Bayview Hill all contain fine examples of native plants growing atop chert bedrock. The native grasslands have incredible displays of wildflowers in the spring and early summer.