Calflora   Common Name Index   F
Mouse over a common name below to see the scientific name. Click on the name to view the taxon report.
Fag... Few... Fla... Fox...
Fairy bells
Fairy fans
Fairy lantern
Fairy lanterns
Fairy mist
Fairy slipper
Fairy slipper
Fairyslipper orchid
Falcate rush
Falcate rush
Fall dandelion
Fall dandelion
Fall panic grass
Fall panicgrass
Fall sneezeweed
Falling stars
False agoseris
False agoseris
False baby stars
False baby's breath
False babystars
False babystars
False bolander's goldenaster
False brome
False buffalo grass
False bugbane
False carrot
False daisy
False dandelion
False dandelion
False diamondflower
False flax
False foxtail fescue
False garlic
False gray horsehair lichen
False Hair-grass
False hairgrass
False hairgrass
False heather
False hemlock
False ice plant
False indigo
False junco
False lily of the valley
False lily of the vally
False mayweed
False mayweed
False melic
False mermaidweed
False mesquite
False monkeyflower
False mountain willow
False neststraw
False nettle
False nutsedge
False nutseed
False pimpernel
False rock loving cinquefoil
False rock loving cinquefoil
False rosinweed
False spikeflower
False spineflower
False turtlehead
False venus' looking glass
False wheatgrass
False yellowhead
Falsegold groundsel
Falsegold groundsel
Fan leaved cinquefoil
Fan maidenhair
Fan palm
Fan weed
Fanleaf crinklemat
Farewell to spring
Farewell to spring
Farewell to spring
Farewell to spring
Farewell to spring
Farewell to spring
Farmer's foxtail
Farmer's foxtail
Farnsworth's jewel flower
Farnsworth's jewelflower
Fascicled broom rape
Fassett's water starwort
Fat fruited sedge
Fat hen
Fat hen
Fat hen
Fat hen
Fat solomon
Fathen saltweed
Father and child plant
Father crowley's lupine
Fatpod lupine
Fava bean, horse bean
Feather finger grass
Feather fingergrass
Feather river monardella
Feather river stonecrop
Feathered pink
Feathered pink
Featherleaf pepperweed
Feathery false lily of the valley
Feathery false lily of the valley
Feathery thelypodium
Fell fields claytonia
Felt leaved monardella
Felt leaved yerba santa
Feltleaf ceanothus
Feltleaf monardella
Feltleaf violet
Fendler three awn
Fendler's blue grass
Fendler's groundcherry
Fendler's ivy leaf tomatillo
Fendler's meadow rue
Fendler's meadow rue
Fendler's meadow rue
Fendler's meadow-rue
Fendler's sandmat
Fendler's sandmat
Fendler's spurge
Fendler's threeawn
Fendler's waterleaf
Fennel leaved lomatium
Fennel leaved lomatium
Fennel leaved pondweed
Fennel pondweed
Fern bush
Fern leaved fleabane
Fern leaved lomatium
Fern leaved lomatium
Fern leaved lomatium
Fern leaved lomatium
Fern-leaved monkeyflower
fern-leaved monkeyflower
Fernald's iris
Fernleaf biscuitroot
Fernleaf biscuitroot
Fernleaf fleabane
Fernleaf ironwood
Fernleaf yarrow
Ferris' goldfields
Ferris' horsetail
Ferris' milkvetch
Ferris' sandwort
Ferris's milk vetch
Fescue sedge
Feta sedge
Fetid adder's tongue
Fetid marigold
Few flowered bleeding heart
Few flowered blue dicks
Few flowered blue dicks
Few flowered blue eyed mary
Few flowered buckwheat
Few flowered buttercup
Few flowered california melic
Few flowered caltrop
Few flowered clematis
Few flowered clover
Few flowered collinsia
Few flowered collinsia
Few flowered evax
Few flowered evax
Few flowered fescue
Few flowered galinsoga
Few flowered heterocodon
Few flowered larkspur
Few flowered meadow rue
Few flowered mountain mahogany
Few flowered muhly
Few flowered navarretia
Few flowered purple mat
Few flowered spike rush
Few flowered spikerush
Few flowered vool star
Few leafed checkerbloom
Few leaved dock
Few leaved thistle
Few ribbed sedge
Few seeded draba
Few seeded draba
Fewflower clover
Fewflower meadow rue
Fewflower navarretia
Fewflower pea
Fewflower spikerush
Fewflower spikerush
Fewleaf bee plant
Fewleaf bee plant
Fewleaf spiderflower
Fewleaf thistle
Fewseed draba
Fibrous pondweed
Fibrous pondweed
Fiddle dock
Fiddleleaf hawksbeard
Fiddleleaf hawksbeard
Field alkanet
Field anoda
Field bindweed
Field brome
Field burrweed
Field buttercup
Field chickweed
Field chickweed
Field chickweed
Field clover
Field collinsia
Field dodder
Field fescue
Field forget-me-not
Field Fumitory
Field hedge nettle
Field hedge parsley
Field hedge parsley
Field horsetail
Field ivesia
Field locoweed
Field madder
Field marigold
Field mint
Field mousetail
Field mustard
Field mustard
Field mustard
Field owl clover
Field pennycress
Field pepper grass
Field pepperweed
Field primrose
Field pumpkin
Field pumpkin
Field pumpkin
Field sagewort
Field sagewort
Field sagewort
Field sedge
Field short beaked agoseris
Field sowthistle
Field sowthistle
Field sun cup
Field sun cup
Fiesta flower
Fiesta flower
Figleaf gourd
Filiform anomobryum moss
Filiform linanthus
Fine flower gilia
Fine flower gilia
Fine flower gilia
Fine leaved fumitory
Fine winged ring stem
Finebranched popcornflower
Fineflower gilia
Fineflower gilia
Fineflower gilia
Fineflower gilia
Fineflower gilia
Fineleaf fumitory
Fineleaf hymenopappus
Fineleaf hymenopappus
Fineleaf hymenopappus
Fineleaf hymenopappus
Fineleaf pondweed
Fineleaf pondweed
Finestem needlegrass
Finger leaved gourd
Finger rush
Finger speedwell
Fingerleaf gourd
Fir dwarf mistletoe
Fir mistletoe
Fire evax
Fire following campion
Fire following campion
Fire on the mountain
Fire poppy
Fire reedgrass
Firecracker brodiaea
Firecracker flower
Firewheel indian blanket
Fish hook cactus
Fish slough milk vetch
Fish slough milkvetch
Fish's milkwort
Fishhook cactus
Fissidens moss
Fissidens moss
Fissidens moss
Fitch spikeweed
Fitch's spikeweed
Fitch's tarweed
Five angled dodder
Five eye chamaesaracha
Five finger fern
Five horn bassia
Five needled thymophylla
Five scaled burrobrush
Five scaled burrobrush
Five seeded plantain
Five spot
Five stamened miterwort
Fiveangled dodder
Fivebract chinchweed
Fivefinger chickensage
Fivefinger chickensage
Fivefinger chickensage
Fivehorn smotherweed
Fiveleaf clover
Fiveneedle pricklyleaf
Fiveneedle pricklyleaf
Fivepetal cliffbush
Fivepetal cliffbush
Fivestamen miterwort
Fivestamen tamarisk
Fivetooth spineflower
Fivewing spiderling
Fivewing spiderling
Flaccid cryptantha
Flaccid sedge
Flagella like atractylocarpus
Flagella like atractylocarpus
Flame ragwort
Flaming trumpet
Flannel bush
Flat leaf bladderwort
Flat leaf summer holly
Flat leaved bladderwort
Flat pea
Flat pod polyctenium
Flat sagebrush
Flat scale balsam root
Flat seeded spurge
Flat stemmed onion
Flat top broomrape
Flat top pussytoes
Flat topped broom rape
Flat topped broom rape
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat topped buckwheat
Flat-leaved rush
Flat-seeded spurge
Flat-top mille graines
Flatcrown buckwheat
Flatcrown buckwheat
Flatcrown buckwheat
Flatcrown buckwheat
Flatface calicoflower
Flatface downingia
Flatglobe dodder
Flatleaf bladderwort
Flatleaf flatsedge
Flatseed sandmat
Flatstem pondweed
Flax flowered linanthus
Flax leaved fleabane
Flax like monardella
Flax like monardella
Flax like monardella
Flax like monardella
Flax-leaved horseweed
Flaxleaf monardella
Flaxleaf monardella
Flaxleaf monardella
Flaxleaf monardella
Flaxleaf pimpernel
Flaxleaf pimpernel
Fleshcolor pincushion
Fleshy jaumea
Fleshy lupine
Fleshy porterella
Fleshy sage
Flexible ceanothus
Flexous forget me not
Flexuose threadmoss
Flix weed
Floating leaved pondweed
Floating marsh pennywort
Floating marshpennywort
Floating pondweed
Floating primrose willow
Floating primrose willow
Floating primrose willow
Floating water primrose
Floating water primrose
Floating water primrose
Flodman's thistle
Florida hedgenettle
Florida hopbush
Florida scrub bluecurls
Florida tasselflower
Floriferous milk vetch
Floriferous monkeyflower
Florist's cineraria
Florist's daisy
Florist's daisy
Flower of an hour
Flowering ash
Flowering ash
Flowering currant
Flowering currant
Flowering dogwood
Flowering flax
Flowering plum
Flowering quillwort
Flowering tobacco
Fluff grass
Folded calicoflower
Folded calicoflower
Folded calicoflower
Follett's monardella
Foothill arnica
Foothill ash
Foothill bush mallow
Foothill clover
Foothill death camas
Foothill deathcamas
Foothill deervetch
Foothill filaree
Foothill gilia
Foothill gooseberry
Foothill jepsonia
Foothill larkspur
Foothill larkspur
Foothill larkspur
Foothill larkspur
Foothill meadowfoam
Foothill meadowfoam
Foothill needle grass
Foothill owl's clover
Foothill penstemon
Foothill penstemon
Foothill pine dwarf mistletoe
Foothill plantain
Foothill poppy
Foothill sedge
Foothill shooting star
Foothill stipa
Foothill sunburst
Foothill triteleia
Foothill triteleia
Footsteps of spring
Forbestown rush
Forest camp sandwort
Forest camp sandwort
Forest clover
Forest goosefoot
Forest madia
Forest red gum
Forest redgum
Forest scurfpea
Forest sedge
Forest stephanomeria
Forget me not
Forget me not popcorn flower
Forget me not popcornflower
Forget-me-not popcornflower
Fork toothed ookow
Forked buckwheat
Forked chickweed
Forked fiddleneck
Forked fiddleneck
Forked hareleaf
Forked nightshade
Forked pepperweed
Forked purple mat
Forked purple mat
Forked rush
Forked wavy leaf paintbrush
Forked wood rush
Forked wood rush
Forked woodrush
Forked wormwood
Fort Miller clarkia
Fort Miller fairyfan
Fort mojave buckwheat
Fort ord spineflower
Fort ross allocarya
Fort tejon milk aster
Fort tejon woolly sunflower
Fortuna range suncup
Foul odor monkeyflower
Fountain death camas
Fountain thistle
Fountain thistle
Four angled spikerush
Four leaf pine
Four leaved all seed
Four leaved allseed
Four leaved allseed
Four leaved polycarp
Four o'clock
Four parted horsebrush
Four parted phacelia
Four petaled pussypaws
Four pointed galinsoga
Four seeded vetch
Four spot
Fourleaf manyseed
Fourleaf vetch
Fourneedle pinyon pine
Fourpart horsebrush
Fourpart phacelia
Fourspike heliotrope
Fourspike heliotrope
Fourstamen chickweed
Fourstamen tamarisk
Fourwing evening primrose
Fourwing saltbush
Fourwing saltbush
Fourwing saltbush
Fowl blue grass
Fowl bluegrass
Fowl mannagrass
Fowl mannagrass
Fowler knotweed
Fowler's knotweed
Fox grape
Fox sedge
Fox tail barley
Fox tail fescue
Foxtail barley
Foxtail barley
Foxtail barley
Foxtail barley, squirreltail barley
Foxtail bristlegrass
Foxtail brome
Foxtail buckwheat
Foxtail cactus
Foxtail cactus
Foxtail chess
Foxtail chess
Foxtail chess, foxtail brome
Foxtail fescue
Foxtail fescue
Foxtail grass
Foxtail muhly
Foxtail pine
Foxtail pine
Foxtail prickle grass
Foxtail pricklegrass
Foxtail restharrow
Fragile fern
Fragile oat
Fragile pygmy daisy
Fragile pygmydaisy
Fragile sheath sedge
Fragile sheathed sedge
Fragile tortella moss
Fragrant bedstraw
Fragrant bitter weed
Fragrant bugle lily
Fragrant evening primrose
Fragrant evening-primrose
Fragrant evening-primrose
Fragrant everlasting
Fragrant everlasting
Fragrant flatsedge
Fragrant fritillary
Fragrant lupine
Fragrant pitcher sage
Fragrant sage
Fragrant snakeroot
Fragrant sumac
Francheti cotoneaster
Franciscan bluebells
Franciscan erigeron
Franciscan manzanita
Franciscan manzanita
Franciscan paint brush
Franciscan paintbrush
Franciscan paronychia
Franciscan thistle
Franciscan wallflower
Fraser's photinia
Freckled milk vetch
Freckled milk vetch
Freckled milk vetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freckled milkvetch
Freed's jewel flower
Fremont barberry
Fremont box thorn
Fremont cottonwood
Fremont cottonwood
Fremont indigobush
Fremont layia
Fremont pincushion
Fremont's baby blue eyes
Fremont's birsfoot trefoil
Fremont's bush mallow
Fremont's calycadenia
Fremont's chaff bush
Fremont's chaff bush
Fremont's combleaf
Fremont's dalea
Fremont's dalea
Fremont's dalea
Fremont's death camas
Fremont's death camas
Fremont's deathcamas
Fremont's desert thorn
Fremont's goldfields
Fremont's goosefoot
Fremont's groundsel
Fremont's groundsel
Fremont's indigo bush
Fremont's indigo bush
Fremont's indigo bush
Fremont's mahonia
Fremont's milk vetch
Fremont's milkvetch
Fremont's monkeyflower
Fremont's monkeyflower
Fremont's nemophila
Fremont's phacelia
Fremont's polyctenium
Fremont's polyctenium
Fremont's silk tassel
Fremont's silver lotus
Fremont's silver lotus
Fremont's star lily
Fremont's star lily
Fremont's syntrichopappus
Fremont's tidy tips
Fremont's tidytips
Fremont's western rosinweed
French broom
French flax
French lavender
French or african marigold
French tamarisk
Fresno ceanothus
Fresno county bird's beak
Fresno mat
Fringe cups
Fringe flowered foxtail
Fringe pod
Fringe pod
Fringe Pod
Fringe Pod
Fringe Pod
Fringe Pod
Fringed amaranth
Fringed brome
Fringed brome
Fringed bromegrass
Fringed centipede grass
Fringed checker mallow
Fringed checkerbloom
Fringed chocolate chip lichen
Fringed cornlily
Fringed cottongrass
Fringed cottongrass
Fringed dodder
Fringed false hellebore
Fringed grass of parnassus
Fringed linanthus
Fringed onion
Fringed onion
Fringed pinesap
Fringed pod
Fringed rue
Fringed sidalcea
Fringed spineflower
Fringed spineflower
Fringed twinevine
Fringed willowherb
Fringed willowherb
Fringed willowherb
Fringed willowherb
Frog's bit buttercup
Frogbit buttercup
Frost mat
Frosted buckwheat
Frosted indian paintbrush
Frosted mint
Frosted paintbrush
Froststem suncup
Fruitleaf knotweed
Frying pans
Fuchsia flowered gooseberry
Fuchsiaflower gooseberry
Fuller's teasel
Fuller's teasel
Fullers' teasel
Fulvous popcorn flower
Fulvous popcornflower
Fulvous popcornflower
Fumbling milk vetch
Funeral mountain blue eyed grass
Furnace spring beauty
Furrowed broomsedge
Fuzzy prickly phlox
fuzzy prickly-phlox
Fuzzy sedge